

Tri Rizqiaty

  • Login: tri
  • Registered on: 11/18/2020
  • Last connection: 10/11/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 111 117 228
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
ALFALAH Manager, Developer, Functional 07/10/2024
BANK ACEH Manager, Developer, Functional 04/02/2024
BANK FAMA Developer, Functional 01/12/2021
BANK KALTENG Manager, Developer, Functional 09/07/2021
Bank Kalteng (Phase 2) Manager, Developer, Functional 03/24/2022
BANK WOORI SAUDARA Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
Phase 2 Manager, Developer, Functional 07/19/2022
BBG Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
CLIENT SUPPORT Manager, Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
ALIF ( Al Ijarah Indonesia Finance ) Manager, Developer 03/02/2022
ARITA Bugs Manager, Developer, Functional 08/15/2022
Asuransi Bintang - Existing Manager, Developer, Functional 11/30/2020
Bank Aceh Manager, Developer, Functional 09/07/2021
BANK KALTENG Bugs Manager, Developer, Functional 03/03/2023
Bank Mega Manager, Developer, Functional 03/15/2021
BANK MEGA SYARIAH ES Bugs Manager, Developer, Functional 03/16/2023
Bank Mega Syariah Existing Manager, Developer, Functional 02/17/2021
Bank Woori Saudara bugs Manager, Developer, Functional 10/10/2024
BBG Bugs Manager, Developer, Functional 01/07/2021
BIA Bugs Manager, Developer, Functional 12/28/2023
CNAF Manager, Developer, Functional 11/24/2020
HINO Bugs Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
IMFI Bugs Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
KJL BUGS Manager, Developer, Functional 06/21/2023
LPPOM HALAL bugs Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
PERTALIFE Bugs Developer, Functional 11/19/2020
PT AMARTHA MICRO FINTEK BUGS Manager, Developer, Functional 04/12/2021
PT ASABRI BUGS Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
ROHTO BUGS Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
Tugu Pratama Indonesia Bugs Manager, Developer, Functional 03/09/2023
Demo Preparation by Industry Manager, Developer, Functional 08/29/2024
HINO Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
IMFI Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
KJL Manager, Developer, Functional 08/19/2022
LPPOM HALAL Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
MALAKA Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
MINOVA DEMO Developer, Functional 11/22/2021
Minova ERP Internal Developer, Functional 01/20/2022
Minova Light Developer, Functional 11/12/2024
MinovaEasy Developer, Functional 06/03/2024
MINOVAES - PRODUCT Manager, Developer, Functional 04/16/2021
MINOVAIS SILVER PACKAGE Manager, Developer, Functional 10/08/2021
PERTALIFE Developer 02/15/2022
PT AMARTHA MIKRO FINTEK Manager, Developer, Functional 01/12/2022
PT ARITA Developer, Functional 10/25/2021
PT ASABRI Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
PT BIA Manager, Developer 07/01/2022
PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT Developer, Functional 10/25/2021
BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Developer, Functional 12/23/2021
ROHTO Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
RSGP Manager, Developer, Functional 11/21/2023
RSM Developer, Functional 11/18/2020
RSM Phase II Developer, Functional 03/02/2021
Sukhavita Clinic Developer 07/29/2024
TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) Developer, Functional 11/19/2020
TULISAN Developer 12/09/2024



04:43 PM MinovaEasy Bug #3299 (QA Test): Error Upload Jurnal
Fixing :
Update folder API2/bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Business.Upload.dll (file dr folder EasyDev)
Tri Rizqiaty
10:30 AM MinovaEasy Bug #3299 (QA Test): Error Upload Jurnal
Done, di Tulisan Dev Tri Rizqiaty
10:30 AM MINOVA DEMO Feature #2886 (QA Test): Menu Regular Journal
Done, di Demo Retail, service jalan jam 15.00 Tri Rizqiaty
10:19 AM KJL Feature #3435: Bill Of Material (BOM)
Saat ini material receipt menjadi material issue di production selanjutnya, apakah msh berlaku? & jika masih, apakah ... Tri Rizqiaty
10:11 AM KJL Feature #3434: Autogenerate No. Lot
No. Lot ini akan tergenerate di setiap receipt proses produksi?
atau hanya di proses production terakhir saat receip...
Tri Rizqiaty


10:33 AM MinovaEasy Bug #3299 (QA Test): Error Upload Jurnal
Fixing :
Update template default di UI\extended : UploadJurnal.xlsx
Tri Rizqiaty
10:16 AM KJL Feature #3301 (QA Test): Production New Scenario With Bin (No. Lot)
Untuk penggunaan Bin/Lot, tolong ditest jg menu Sales & Purchase. Tri Rizqiaty
10:15 AM KJL Feature #3301 (Developing): Production New Scenario With Bin (No. Lot)
Fixing :
1. Update settingan Bin di tbl PCMBSDOCFIELD & SDATATABLEFIELD
2. Update isi tbl PCMFILOBIN
3. Update S...
Tri Rizqiaty


05:13 PM MINOVA DEMO Feature #2886 (QA Test): Menu Regular Journal
Port Easy Dev, lg dipake riset develop add multi row & auto tax financenya, msh belum selesai Tri Rizqiaty
04:44 PM MINOVA DEMO Feature #2886 (QA Test): Menu Regular Journal
Ready test di port Easy Dev Tri Rizqiaty

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