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Hours: 18316.80

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
PERTALIFE 09/02/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #2973: The duplicate key value pada doc No di PTRPURCHHEAD The duplicate key value pada doc No di PTRPURCHHEAD 1.00 Actions
MinovaEasy 09/02/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #2830: Report PPN Detail Keluaran dan PPN Detail Masukan 1.00 Actions
MINOVA DEMO 09/02/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #2842: Organization Chart untuk fitur Download Organization Chart untuk fitur Download 1.00 Actions
HINO Bugs 09/02/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #2714: pembuatan fungsi untuk generate personal working schedule cross WS / multi WS dalam 1 tahun pembuatan fungsi untuk generate personal working schedule cross WS / multi WS dalam 1 tahun 1.00 Actions
MinovaEasy 09/02/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #3029: Autoload Sub Ledger Type ingin dihilangkan 1.00 Actions
PERTALIFE 09/02/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #3013: Validasi Untuk Payroll dan Overtime ESS Validasi Untuk Payroll dan Overtime ESS 2.00 Actions
MINOVAES - PRODUCT 09/02/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #2888: [HR-Personal Data]perbaikan pada master data personal PA01 untuk membuatkan validasi nama file attachment [HR-Personal Data]perbaikan pada master data personal PA01 untuk membuatkan validasi nama file attachment 6.00 Actions
Bank Mega 09/02/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3001: new tampilan Report Ebupot 2024 Karyawan Resign 2.00 Actions
Sukhavita Clinic 09/02/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #3037: Validasi Overtime Web Sukhavita Validasi Overtime Web Sukhavita 1.00 Actions
ALFALAH 09/02/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #3038: Validasi Overtime Web Alfalah Validasi Overtime Web Alfalah 2.00 Edit Delete Actions
Sukhavita Clinic 08/30/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #3031: Accounting: Dashboard Accounting 2.00 Actions
Sukhavita Clinic 08/30/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #3033: Perbaikan Report Timesheet 1.00 Actions
Sukhavita Clinic 08/30/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #3033: Perbaikan Report Timesheet 1.00 Actions
Sukhavita Clinic 08/30/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #3034: Attendance & Overtime Recap Fixing 2.00 Actions
Sukhavita Clinic 08/30/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #3036: Deploy Perbaikan Judul Header Menu Upload Deploy Perbaikan Judul Header Menu Upload 1.00 Actions
Asuransi Bintang - Existing 08/30/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #3035: [HR-File Data]upload file data di menu recruitment management mengalami error [HR-File Data]upload file data di menu recruitment management mengalami error 1.00 Actions
MinovaEasy 08/30/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Feature #2785: Fitur Upload & Download COA, Wage Type Definition, dan Initial Balance Fitur Upload & Download COA, Wage Type Definition, dan Initial Balance 1.00 Actions
MinovaEasy 08/30/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Feature #2935: Validasi Overtime Web Validasi Overtime Web 2.50 Actions
MinovaEasy 08/30/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #3014: Validasi untuk Comment ESS Validasi untuk Comment ESS 1.00 Actions
MinovaEasy 08/29/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #2938: API Overtime Mobile API Overtime Mobile 5.00 Actions
Sukhavita Clinic 08/29/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #3020: Job Desc masih menampilkan kode 1.00 Actions
Sukhavita Clinic 08/29/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #3024: Perbaikan Report Employee Assignment 1.00 Actions
IMFI Bugs 08/29/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Support #2947: [ESS-LEAVE]mencabut validasi minimal pengajuan 3 hari setelah today agar dicabut validasi nya [ESS-LEAVE]mencabut validasi minimal pengajuan 3 hari setelah today agar dicabut validasi nya 1.00 Actions
MinovaEasy 08/28/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #2995: Note Footer di Payslip takeout saja 1.00 Actions
Sukhavita Clinic 08/28/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #3020: Job Desc masih menampilkan kode 1.00 Actions
(201-225/5411) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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