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Hours: 18335.30

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
BBG 02/02/2022 ikawati basri Project Bug #792: [ESS-LEAVE] Workflow Finish, Namun Data di PHRPA0017 dan PHRPA0018 tidak terupdate Case ESS Leave Data Tidak tersimpan ke Db PHRPA0018 dan PHRPA0017 setelah proses approval Finish 2.00 Actions
HINO 02/02/2022 dian perdana putra Project Support Mas Defri Time to Payroll 2.50 Actions
PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 02/02/2022 fernando sergio rumbayan Project Bug #812: Modul Report Benefit (Medical Claim) - Employee id & Employee id to Testing dan setting 0.50 Actions
Minova Corp Affairs 02/02/2022 wahyuningsih yuni Project Finance : AR, Cashflow, Purchase 3.00 Actions
PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 02/02/2022 fernando sergio rumbayan Project Bug #813: Modul Report Travel (Travel Recap) - Employee id & Employee id to Testing dan setting 0.50 Actions
PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 01/31/2022 fernando sergio rumbayan Project Follow Up Note BMS 8.00 Actions
BANK KALTENG 01/31/2022 Mega Yunita Project Memperbaiki settingan setelah UAT Bank Kalteng 4.00 Actions
BANK KALTENG 01/31/2022 Mega Yunita Project Memperbaiki settingan setelah UAT Bank Kalteng 4.00 Actions
CLIENT SUPPORT 01/31/2022 ikawati basri Project Create Tutorial ke Share Doc CS Minova 1.00 Actions
Asuransi Bintang - Existing 01/31/2022 ikawati basri Project Case Tunjangan Kalori Tidak Terhitung di Payroll 2.00 Actions
Asuransi Bintang - Existing 01/31/2022 ikawati basri Project Case Overtime di hari libur Nasional tidak Terhitung di Payroll 1.00 Actions
Minova Corp Affairs 01/31/2022 wahyuningsih yuni Project Finance : Cashflow 4.00 Actions
Minova Corp Affairs 01/31/2022 wahyuningsih yuni Project Ke Bank Ganesha 4.00 Actions
HINO 01/31/2022 dian perdana putra Project Support Mas Defri 2 Employee tidak ada di MD Employee Staging sedangkan di Mminova ada 3.00 Actions
Asuransi Bintang - Existing 01/31/2022 dian perdana putra Project Transfer Ulang Applicant to Employee 6.50 Actions
TUGU PRATAMA INDONESIA (TPI) 01/31/2022 Tri Rizqiaty Project Bug #802: Org. Chart tidak dapat di View Fixing Organization Chart Karena Enter Di Description 4.00 Actions
IMFI Bugs 01/31/2022 Tri Rizqiaty Project Bug #740: [HR-PAYROLL] Perbaikan Report E-Spt untuk skenario Pindah Payroll Grup & KPP Debug Payroll Pindah Paygroup IMFI 2.00 Actions
BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES 01/31/2022 ericsson ericsson Project Follow Up Noted UAT 8.00 Actions
Minova Corp Affairs 01/31/2022 Maulina Hali Project HR - Update SIPP BPJS Ketenagakerjaan 1.00 Actions
Minova ERP Internal 01/31/2022 Maulina Hali Project Bug #798: [ERP Internal] Create Ref pada Modul Finance Accounting tidak berfungsi Testing Create Ref Modul IP dan OP ERP Internal 1.00 Actions
PT BMS MIGRATION & ENHANCEMENT 01/28/2022 fernando sergio rumbayan Project UAT BMS 8.00 Actions
BANK FAMA 01/28/2022 dian perdana putra Project Support Bank Fama Bu ilvia WT DPLK & Delete Employee Via DB 5.50 Actions
BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES 01/28/2022 ericsson ericsson Project UAT BMS 8.00 Actions
Minova Corp Affairs 01/28/2022 Maulina Hali Project GA - Surat Menyurat 1.00 Actions
Minova Corp Affairs 01/28/2022 Maulina Hali Project Dok Legalitas untuk update data Bank Ganesha 2.50 Actions
(5101-5125/5422) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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