





Apply Clear

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3535 Feature New Normal [CRM] Pengembalian Barang (Customer Return) shofwan shiddiq 03/24/2025 02:24 PM Actions
3534 Feature New Normal Menu Customer Return Tri Rizqiaty 03/24/2025 02:08 PM Actions
3533 Bug Assigned Immediate AJAX Error ketika pakai Guest shofwan shiddiq 03/24/2025 12:35 PM Actions
3531 Feature QA Test Normal Material Type dan Material Group ingin bisa autoload di Purchase Order haykal haykal 03/24/2025 11:58 AM Actions
3517 Feature New Normal Menu Return To Supplier Tri Rizqiaty 03/18/2025 02:42 PM Actions
3516 Feature Revise Normal Formula untuk Deposit Tri Rizqiaty 03/24/2025 12:22 PM Actions
3513 Feature Revise Immediate Skenario Payment Deposit shofwan shiddiq 03/24/2025 12:20 PM Actions
3504 Bug Revise Urgent Sales Order dengan Document Status Draft tidak tergenerate row Allocate di PMDMAT0004 M Azid Wahyudi 03/14/2025 09:06 AM Actions
3503 Bug QA Test Urgent Material Master Data yang baru dibuat munculnya hanya kode di dokumen SO haykal haykal 03/13/2025 04:43 PM Actions
3484 Bug Assigned Normal Tidak bisa mengedit dokumen Sales Order haykal haykal 03/07/2025 10:46 AM Actions
3480 Feature Revise High [CRM] Discount in Tulisan shofwan shiddiq 03/10/2025 01:49 PM Actions
3476 Bug QA Test High Error Ext.Ajax Request Failure di Material Master Data haykal haykal 03/06/2025 01:57 PM Actions
3474 Feature QA Test Normal [CRM] Page untuk Memilih Lokasi setelah Login haykal haykal 03/10/2025 02:39 PM Actions
3471 Feature Revise Urgent [CRM] Skenario Payment Tulisan shofwan shiddiq 03/21/2025 11:44 AM Actions
3467 Feature QA Test Urgent [CRM] Pemilihan Produk with Variant (4 layer) haykal haykal 03/12/2025 03:01 PM Actions
3426 Bug Revise Normal Report Income Statement haykal haykal 02/28/2025 11:49 AM Actions
3384 Feature Deploy Immediate Kolom Formula di tabel PCMFILOFSTEMPLATECONTENT ingin dibuat berfungsi Tri Rizqiaty 03/04/2025 04:25 PM Actions
3329 Feature QA Test High [Accounting] Report Income Statement di tambah kan 1 kolom last yaer Moch Alinafia 01/07/2025 05:18 PM Actions
3299 Bug QA Test High Error Upload Jurnal haykal haykal 02/27/2025 03:04 PM Actions
3279 Support Assigned High [GENERAL] Parameter Tambahan untuk Payment Kezia Pawitra Yulianti 02/13/2025 05:01 PM Actions
3277 Feature QA Test High [Accounting] Doc Ref dari beberapa Document haykal haykal 01/21/2025 11:12 AM Actions
3276 Support Assigned High [GENERAL] Penambahan Field dan Tab haykal haykal 12/09/2024 03:20 PM Actions
3274 Support Assigned High [Sales] Allocate di Sales Draft Tri Rizqiaty 12/09/2024 02:27 PM Actions
3273 Feature QA Test Immediate [Accounting] Report Trial Balance dengan Range Period Moch Alinafia 01/28/2025 01:48 PM Actions
3272 Feature Assigned High [Accounting] Service Release Stock Allocate Tri Rizqiaty 12/09/2024 02:18 PM Actions
(1-25/29) Per page: 25, 50

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