



From 08/13/2021 to 09/11/2021


10:10 AM RSM Phase II Feature #433 (Deploy): RSM II - PA - Report Employee (feedback list report) #3
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
10:09 AM RSM Phase II Feature #431 (Deploy): RSM II - PA - Report Employee (feedback list report) #1
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
10:06 AM RSM Phase II Feature #446 (Deploy): Report Matrix Monitoring & Reporting Line
Done ya
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti


09:11 AM RSM Phase II Feature #446 (QA Test): Report Matrix Monitoring & Reporting Line
Tri Rizqiaty


07:57 PM RSM Phase II Feature #446: Report Matrix Monitoring & Reporting Line
Dear Mba Yoma,
Berdasarkan pengecekan, untuk kondisi employee dengan *masa kerja kurang dari satu tahun* , masih a...


11:35 AM RSM Phase II Feature #446: Report Matrix Monitoring & Reporting Line
berikut yaa hasil test dan rekapnya:
1. Masih dengan employee yang sama, saat ini dia sudah punya kuota di master da...
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
11:26 AM RSM Phase II Feature #446: Report Matrix Monitoring & Reporting Line
Tambahan kondisi:
Jika kuota sudah ada, namun kuota tidak sesuai dengan level karyawan dan matrix juga sudah tersedi...
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
09:49 AM RSM Phase II Feature #435 (QA Test): RSM II - TM - Report Attendance adjustment (monthly,period and my attendance) #2
Ade Sofiarani
09:49 AM RSM Phase II Feature #435 (Developing): RSM II - TM - Report Attendance adjustment (monthly,period and my attendance) #2
Ade Sofiarani

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