



From 04/21/2021 to 05/20/2021


05:33 PM RSM Phase II Feature #332 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
Dear tim developer,
mohon bantuaanya untuk membuatkan validasi ketika Request Leave, jike...
EmployeeSubType, P...


09:15 AM Support #309 (Deploy): [HR] Re-Autofill LoB/DCOO - Assign to another object or Update Field di OM
sementara udah sesuai ya Lip,
silahkan kalau mau di deploy
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti


09:36 AM RSM Phase II Feature #308 (Assigned): RSM II - General - List Combox Box (adjustment fit) #improvement
Dear Alip,
+*menyambung dari task sebelumnya.. #308 *+
mohon kesediaan bantuannya untuk adjust list dari Combo...


03:17 PM Support #309 (QA Test): [HR] Re-Autofill LoB/DCOO - Assign to another object or Update Field di OM
Alip Sudin
03:15 PM Support #309: [HR] Re-Autofill LoB/DCOO - Assign to another object or Update Field di OM
Tolong di rubah ya statusnya
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
09:14 AM RSM Phase II Feature #316 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (Mail Notification Leave untuk Approver)


11:28 AM RSM Phase II Feature #315 (Assigned): RSM II - General - Dashboard Widget (attendance) #widget
10:20 AM RSM Phase II Feature #299: RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
Dear Mba ade,
Mohon bantuannya untuk checkAttendance Period reportID RPTATTRSM, Result data masih double(sepertiny...


03:28 PM RSM Phase II Bug #310 (Closed): [Prod-RSM Indonesia] Tidak bisa melakukan Approve pengajuan cuti
02:08 PM RSM Phase II Bug #310 (QA Test): [Prod-RSM Indonesia] Tidak bisa melakukan Approve pengajuan cuti
Saswanto Tampan
03:26 PM RSM Phase II Feature #316 (Revise): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (Mail Notification Leave untuk Approver)
mas alip,
boleh minta bantuannya untuk Query Get Nama Employee untuk PARAMMAILBODYNYA kah??
03:25 PM RSM Phase II Feature #272 (Closed): RSM II - PA Report - Membership/License/Certification (new colomn) #Update #Change
02:10 PM RSM Phase II Bug #311 (Rejected): [Prod-RSM Indonesia] Notifikasi pengajuan cuti
double case Saswanto Tampan
10:56 AM RSM Phase II Feature #306 (Closed): RSM II - PA Report - Certification/Membership/RSMTraining/Membership (new selection level/lob/div)#2 #Update


02:38 PM RSM Phase II Feature #306 (QA Test): RSM II - PA Report - Certification/Membership/RSMTraining/Membership (new selection level/lob/div)#2 #Update
Ade Sofiarani
10:44 AM RSM Phase II Feature #316 (Assigned): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (Mail Notification Leave untuk Approver)
10:44 AM RSM Phase II Feature #316 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (Mail Notification Leave untuk Approver)
Dear Developer,
Mohon bantuaanya untuk membuatkan Fungsi pada CMWFDEFTASKMAIL param untuk pengiriman mail ke appro...


10:14 AM RSM Phase II Feature #306 (Revise): RSM II - PA Report - Certification/Membership/RSMTraining/Membership (new selection level/lob/div)#2 #Update
Dear Mba ade,
untuk report License rptid RSMPA0003 di RSM Prod Cloud, masih perlu revise y..
karena result masi...
10:05 AM RSM Phase II Feature #306 (Closed): RSM II - PA Report - Certification/Membership/RSMTraining/Membership (new selection level/lob/div)#2 #Update
10:02 AM RSM Phase II Feature #307 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Forwarding Task (show name desc) #3 #Improvement
10:02 AM RSM Phase II Feature #308 (Closed): RSM II - General - List Combox Box (adjustment fit) #improvement
09:48 AM RSM Phase II Feature #315 (Closed): RSM II - General - Dashboard Widget (attendance) #widget
Dear Tim Developer,
please helpnya untuk menampilkan Widget pada Dashboard Home MinovaES..Widget Attendance sprti ...


02:47 PM RSM Phase II Bug #311: [Prod-RSM Indonesia] Notifikasi pengajuan cuti
sesuai hasil diskusi bisa dieksekusi dengan menggunakan setingan pada parameter pushmail dengan menambahkan workflow.... Anonymous
02:00 PM RSM Phase II Bug #311 (Closed): [Prod-RSM Indonesia] Notifikasi pengajuan cuti
Developer Team,
Aktifkan notifikasi pengajuan cuti pada website.
Terima kasih,
02:20 PM Support #309 (Assigned): [HR] Re-Autofill LoB/DCOO - Assign to another object or Update Field di OM
Koreksi sedikit yaa untuk poin 1, bukan rename namun update field LOB dan DCOO maksudnya
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
09:25 AM Support #309 (Deploy): [HR] Re-Autofill LoB/DCOO - Assign to another object or Update Field di OM
Dear Alip,
sesuai diskusi mohon untuk bisa dibuatkan autofill kembali pada field LoB dan DCOO yang ada di PHRPA0002 ...
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
01:55 PM RSM Phase II Bug #310 (Closed): [Prod-RSM Indonesia] Tidak bisa melakukan Approve pengajuan cuti
Developer Team,
Mohon dilakukan perbaikan terkait dengan Approver tidak bisa melakukan Approve untuk pengajuan cut...
09:41 AM RSM Phase II Feature #306: RSM II - PA Report - Certification/Membership/RSMTraining/Membership (new selection level/lob/div)#2 #Update
Dear Mba Ade,
Untuk Report License, RSMPA0003 masih perlu revise ya.
*result masih seperti (pic terlampir)*
09:36 AM RSM Phase II Feature #307 (Deploy): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Forwarding Task (show name desc) #3 #Improvement
09:07 AM RSM Phase II Feature #307 (QA Test): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Forwarding Task (show name desc) #3 #Improvement
Alip Sudin
09:35 AM RSM Phase II Feature #308 (Deploy): RSM II - General - List Combox Box (adjustment fit) #improvement
09:07 AM RSM Phase II Feature #308 (QA Test): RSM II - General - List Combox Box (adjustment fit) #improvement
Alip Sudin


02:36 PM RSM Phase II Feature #306 (QA Test): RSM II - PA Report - Certification/Membership/RSMTraining/Membership (new selection level/lob/div)#2 #Update
Ade Sofiarani


10:00 AM RSM Phase II Feature #306 (Assigned): RSM II - PA Report - Certification/Membership/RSMTraining/Membership (new selection level/lob/div)#2 #Update
Dear Mba Ade,
Done y, dengan detail selectionnya..
# 9000037 Certification (Certificate Type +get from Certific...
09:26 AM RSM Phase II Feature #289 (Closed): RSM II - PA - Employee History (new field autofill) #Update
09:21 AM RSM Phase II Feature #289 (QA Test): RSM II - PA - Employee History (new field autofill) #Update
Alip Sudin


05:23 PM RSM Phase II Feature #299 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
Dear Mba Ade,
punten masih ada revise nih..
* *untuk report Attendance Period reportID RPTATTRSM* , Result teta...
02:44 PM RSM Phase II Feature #299 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
Ade Sofiarani
11:17 AM RSM Phase II Feature #299 (Revise): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
03:59 PM RSM Phase II Feature #306 (QA Test): RSM II - PA Report - Certification/Membership/RSMTraining/Membership (new selection level/lob/div)#2 #Update
Tolong lengkapi diselectionnya dilengkapi ya. Thanks Ade Sofiarani
03:58 PM RSM Phase II Feature #306 (Developing): RSM II - PA Report - Certification/Membership/RSMTraining/Membership (new selection level/lob/div)#2 #Update
Ade Sofiarani
01:20 PM RSM Phase II Feature #306 (Closed): RSM II - PA Report - Certification/Membership/RSMTraining/Membership (new selection level/lob/div)#2 #Update
Dear Tim Developer
mohon bantuannya untuk penambahan selection baru *Level, Lob, Divisi* seperti report Attendance...
02:24 PM RSM Phase II Feature #308 (Assigned): RSM II - General - List Combox Box (adjustment fit) #improvement
02:22 PM RSM Phase II Feature #308 (Closed): RSM II - General - List Combox Box (adjustment fit) #improvement
Dear Developer,
Mohon bantuannya agar List dari combo box, agar di adjust sesuai text nya..
pic feedback terla...
02:13 PM RSM Phase II Feature #307 (Assigned): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Forwarding Task (show name desc) #3 #Improvement
02:07 PM RSM Phase II Feature #307 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Forwarding Task (show name desc) #3 #Improvement
Dear Developer,
mohon bantuunya untuk munculkan nama pada field *PICEmployee pada tabel PDSWFFORWARDTASKRESULT*
11:09 AM RSM Phase II Feature #271 (Closed): RSM II - PA - Communication Data (email update) #Improvement
11:09 AM RSM Phase II Bug #267 (Closed): RSM II - User Management - Expired Validthrough Field pada tabel SUSER #Bug#support


04:28 PM RSM Phase II Feature #299 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
Ade Sofiarani
04:28 PM RSM Phase II Feature #299 (Developing): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
Ade Sofiarani
03:05 PM RSM Phase II Feature #299 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
Dear Developer
Mohon Bantuannya untuk Output dari Selection 2 tambahan Selection dari Field LOB dan...

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