From 05/06/2021 to 06/04/2021
- 10:37 AM Feature #339: RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
- dear mba ade,
as ur req..
filter sudah dinote di awal y..
untuk menuID TMRLVRSM report ID RPTLVRSM
- 04:43 AM Feature #299 (QA Test): RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
- 11:43 AM Feature #299: RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
- Dear mba ade,
feedback from user and testing by functional per Today..
mohon bantuannya untuk cek pada report A...
- 11:24 AM Feature #344 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (condition approval matrix update) #update
- Dear Mas Developer,
please bantuannya untuk penambahan fungsi kondisi,
jika dia pada posisi *Head, grade Max, d... - 11:18 AM Feature #332 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
- 11:17 AM Feature #343 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave Workflow Report (show subject new field) #improvement #update
- Dear Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk menampilkan Value pada *field Subject* ESS workflowReport *(PDSWFREPORT0002...
- 05:34 PM Feature #339: RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
- *_Pengerjaan pada,
Port Cloud
akun pass Langit_Biru1011
_* - 05:27 PM Feature #339 (Closed): RSM II - TM Report - Leave #newreport
- Dear Developer,
mohon bantuannya untuk pembuatan report, sesuai design terlampir(Explanation included)
dan Filt... - 09:32 AM Feature #332 (QA Test): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
- 05:33 PM Feature #332 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (matrix data validasi)
- Dear tim developer,
mohon bantuaanya untuk membuatkan validasi ketika Request Leave, jike...
EmployeeSubType, P...
- 09:36 AM Feature #308 (Assigned): RSM II - General - List Combox Box (adjustment fit) #improvement
- Dear Alip,
+*menyambung dari task sebelumnya.. #308 *+
mohon kesediaan bantuannya untuk adjust list dari Combo...
- 09:14 AM Feature #316 (Closed): RSM II - My Work Place - ESS Leave (Mail Notification Leave untuk Approver)
- 11:28 AM Feature #315 (Assigned): RSM II - General - Dashboard Widget (attendance) #widget
- 10:20 AM Feature #299: RSM II - TM Report - Attendance (new selection lob/div/level) #Update
- Dear Mba ade,
Mohon bantuannya untuk checkAttendance Period reportID RPTATTRSM, Result data masih double(sepertiny...
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