From 12/24/2020 to 01/22/2021
- 05:06 PM Feature #145: [Phase 2] PMS - Posting ESS to Field HR
- Revise Fieldposting by backend.
- 06:28 PM Feature #145: [Phase 2] PMS - Posting ESS to Field HR
- Mas Iis wrote:
> Dear Nana
> Mohon dibuatkan fungsi posting data dari ESS ke HR khusus untuk Total Summary, det... - 04:41 PM Feature #145 (User Test): [Phase 2] PMS - Posting ESS to Field HR
- Dear Nana
Mohon dibuatkan fungsi posting data dari ESS ke HR khusus untuk Total Summary.
File Terlampir:
- 02:19 PM Feature #141 (Deploy): [Phase 2] PMS - Review 3 - Form - Auto Load KPI
- Dear Dev
Mohon Bantuannya untuk membuatkan fungsi auto load di field KPI Review 3 & 6, dengan detail sbb:
A. Re... - 01:40 PM Feature #127 (User Test): [Phase 2] PMS - Task Condition - Review 3
- Mba Iis mohon di cek ya
- 01:39 PM Feature #127 (Developing): [Phase 2] PMS - Task Condition - Review 3
- 01:39 PM Feature #126 (User Test): [Phase 2] PMS - Task Condition - Review 6
- Mba Iis mohon di cek ya
- 01:39 PM Feature #126 (Developing): [Phase 2] PMS - Task Condition - Review 6
- 03:32 PM Feature #133 (Deploy): [Phase 2] ESS PMS - Review 3 & 6 - Load List Appraser
- Dear Dev
Mohon dibuatkan fungsi Load List Appraiser di form ESS Review 3 & 6.
1. Review 3
List Appraiser : Loa... - 03:11 PM Feature #131 (Deploy): [Phase 2] ESS PMS - Form Auto Load - Appraisal Period
- Dear Dev
Mohon dibuatkan auto load di field *Appraisal Period* di form ESS PMS, dg detail sbg berikut:
Field: A... - 02:02 PM Feature #129 (Deploy): [Phase 2] PMS - Review 3 - Form - Auto Load Appraisal Type
- Dear Dev
Mohon dibuatkan fungsi2 yang auto load yg ada di Form ESS PMS - Review 3, sebagai berikut:
1. Header F... - 01:27 PM Feature #127 (Deploy): [Phase 2] PMS - Task Condition - Review 3
- Dear Dev
Mohon dibuatkan fungsi pada *TASKCOND REVIEW 3* , detail sebagai berikut:
1. *cond_DS2_3*
Kondisi mel... - 01:24 PM Feature #126 (Deploy): [Phase 2] PMS - Task Condition - Review 6
- Dear Nana
Mohon dibuatkan fungsi pada taskcondition RVEVIEW 6, sebagai berikut:
1. *cond_DS2*
Kondisi melihat... - 01:13 PM Feature #124 (Closed): [Phase 2] PMS - HR Admin - Fungsi Saving Data
- 10:14 AM Feature #124 (QA Test): [Phase 2] PMS - HR Admin - Fungsi Saving Data
- 01:52 PM Feature #124 (Closed): [Phase 2] PMS - HR Admin - Fungsi Saving Data
- Dear Developer
Mohon dibuatkan fungsi saving pd kedua table *PDSPM0001* & *PHRPA0047* , untuk field Name berikut...
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