From 09/19/2022 to 10/18/2022
- 04:41 PM 2.00 hours (Bug #1685 (Closed): [ESS-TRAVEL] workflow tidak bisa melanjutkan ke employee requester settlement karena error form ada yang kosong)
- [ESS-TRAVEL] workflow tidak bisa melanjutkan ke employee requester settlement karena error form ada yang kosong
- 02:27 PM 1.30 hour (Bug #1568 (Closed): [ESS-Travel] file upload attachment bisa di upload namun tidak masuk ke atasan DS1.)
- [ESS-Travel] file upload attachment bisa di upload namun tidak masuk ke atasan DS1.
- 05:43 PM 4.00 hours (Bug #1626 (Closed): [HR-ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE] Employee tidak menempati ke posisi baru walau sudah menambahkan data assignment baru dengan posisi baru)
- Fixing Relasi PA to OM
- 02:06 PM 2.00 hours (Support #1643 (Closed): [Performance Management] - PMS Review 4)
- Testing
- 02:03 PM 1.30 hour (Support #1643 (Closed): [Performance Management] - PMS Review 4)
- [Performance Management] - PMS Review 4
- 11:07 AM 2.00 hours (Support #1642 (Closed): [Performance Management] - PMS Goal Setting)
- Testing
- 11:00 AM 1.00 hour (Support #1642 (Closed): [Performance Management] - PMS Goal Setting)
- [Performance Management] - PMS Goal Setting
- 08:23 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #1628 (Closed): [ESS-REVIEW 4] data sudah berhasil posting ke master data HR tetapi headesequence dan sequence nya berbeda sehingga tidak tampil di aplikasi)
- [ESS-REVIEW 4] data sudah berhasil posting ke master data HR tetapi headesequence dan sequence nya berbeda sehingga t...
- 02:46 PM 5.00 hours (Project: ROHTO BUGS)
- 04:33 PM 1.00 hour (Feature #1620 (Closed): [Performance Management] - Validasi PMS Final)
- [Performance Management] - Validasi PMS Final
- 04:32 PM 1.00 hour (Feature #1619 (Closed): [Performance Management] - Validasi PMS Review 6)
- [Performance Management] - Validasi PMS Review 6
- 04:31 PM 1.00 hour (Feature #1618 (Closed): [Performance Management] - Validasi PMS Review 4)
- [Performance Management] - Validasi PMS Review 4
- 04:30 PM 1.00 hour (Feature #1617 (Closed): [Performance Management] - Validasi PMS Goal Setting)
- [Performance Management] - Validasi PMS Goal Setting
- 04:17 PM 1.00 hour (Project: ROHTO BUGS)
- 09:48 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #1614 (Closed): [ESS - LEAVE] perbaikan pada validasi di pemilihan tanggal pengajuan)
- [ESS - LEAVE] perbaikan pada validasi di pemilihan tanggal pengajuan
- 11:49 AM 2.00 hours (Project: ROHTO BUGS)
- Final Testing ESS PMS
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