



From 07/10/2022 to 08/08/2022


06:01 PM Bug #1472 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performance Report Monitoring
Dear, Mang ajid.
Mohon bantuannya untuk memperbaiki report Performance Report Monitoring.
kasus sama seperti re...
ericsson ericsson
05:30 PM Bug #1471 (Closed): [ Report ] - Performance Report Individu
Dear, mang ajid,
mohon bantuannya untuk memperbaiki report Performance Report Individu.
yang tadinya get data d...
ericsson ericsson


04:00 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #1408 (Closed): [ Mobile ] - Footer (Comment & Attachment )
ericsson ericsson
09:43 AM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #1408 (Revise): [ Mobile ] - Footer (Comment & Attachment )
ericsson ericsson


04:23 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #1408 (QA Test): [ Mobile ] - Footer (Comment & Attachment )
perbaikan pada
C:\ClientApp\2204 Bank Mega Syariah\UI\app\view\workflow\request\formFooter.js
Saswanto Tampan
03:58 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #1409 (Revise): [ Mobile ] - Attendance Type
update API2
PCUSTFEATURE pada WidgetFunction dimana FeatureId = WidgetAb...
Saswanto Tampan
03:50 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #1409: [ Mobile ] - Attendance Type
1000 Normal
2000 Training
3000 Business Trip
4000 SPJ (Surat Perintah Jalan)
5000 IPC (Ijin Pulang Cepat)
6000 I...
ericsson ericsson


03:05 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #1409 (Revise): [ Mobile ] - Attendance Type
Dear, Tim Developer.
Mohon bantuannya, untuk ESS Attendance via mobile, saat user memilih attendance type selain "...
ericsson ericsson
02:36 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #1408 (Closed): [ Mobile ] - Footer (Comment & Attachment )
Dear, Tim Developer.
Mohon bantuannya, untuk skin mobile BMS, footer pada Form ESS tampilannya masih belum respons...
ericsson ericsson


04:59 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #1405 (Assigned): [ Mobile ] - Tampilan Menu Mobile
ericsson ericsson
04:58 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #1405 (Revise): [ Mobile ] - Tampilan Menu Mobile
Dear, Mang Wanto.
Mohon bantuannya untuk memperbaiki tampilan mobile BMS, hanya boleh ada beberapa menu saja yang ...
ericsson ericsson
02:22 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #1404 (Assigned): [ ESS ] - Editable Grid On Form ESS Travel (Web and Mobile)
ericsson ericsson
02:21 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #1404 (QA Test): [ ESS ] - Editable Grid On Form ESS Travel (Web and Mobile)
Dear, Developer
pada from ESS dibuatkan Editable Grid Form untuk.
1. Route = (TableName=PDSWFTRAVELROUTE) = (Ty...
ericsson ericsson
02:18 PM Bug #1342 (Closed): Training List By Job
fernando sergio rumbayan


05:29 PM Bug #1356 (Closed): [ HR - Total Cost ] - Amount kelebihan NOL
ericsson ericsson
03:16 PM Bug #1356 (User Test): [ HR - Total Cost ] - Amount kelebihan NOL
ericsson ericsson
03:15 PM Bug #1356 (Closed): [ HR - Total Cost ] - Amount kelebihan NOL
ericsson ericsson
03:13 PM Bug #1356 (QA Test): [ HR - Total Cost ] - Amount kelebihan NOL
dear erik , untuk ini udah bisa di test ya
Note fix:
- di iis
UI & API2 di setting globalization > cult...
M Azid Wahyudi
11:54 AM Bug #1356 (Closed): [ HR - Total Cost ] - Amount kelebihan NOL
Dear, Azid.
Mohon bantuannya, pada Table total cost travel di HR, digit NOL nya kelebihan 2, detail seperti pada g...
ericsson ericsson
05:28 PM Bug #1359 (Closed): [ Report ] - Travel Recap Loading lama
ericsson ericsson
04:44 PM Bug #1359 (QA Test): [ Report ] - Travel Recap Loading lama
dear erik , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
04:34 PM Bug #1359 (Closed): [ Report ] - Travel Recap Loading lama
Dear, Ajid.
Mohon bantuannya untuk mempercepat proses view report travel recap, karena saat ini proses view pada r...
ericsson ericsson
05:28 PM Bug #1360 (Closed): [ Report ] - Overtime Recap
ericsson ericsson
04:45 PM Bug #1360 (QA Test): [ Report ] - Overtime Recap
dear erik , untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
04:37 PM Bug #1360 (Closed): [ Report ] - Overtime Recap
Dear, Ajid.
Mohon bantuannya untuk memperbaiki report overtime recap, karena terdapat beberapa kasus :
1. Error...
ericsson ericsson


01:44 PM Feature #1344 (Closed): [ ESS - Travel ] Amount Appraisal and Amount Settlement
ericsson ericsson
09:45 AM Feature #1344 (QA Test): [ ESS - Travel ] Amount Appraisal and Amount Settlement
Mr. Yusuf
01:43 PM Bug #1306 (Closed): ESS - Travel - Route
ericsson ericsson
09:46 AM Bug #1306 (QA Test): ESS - Travel - Route
Mr. Yusuf
01:43 PM Bug #1309 (Closed): ESS - Travel-Cost
ericsson ericsson
09:46 AM Bug #1309 (QA Test): ESS - Travel-Cost
Mr. Yusuf
01:43 PM Bug #1303 (Closed): [ ESS ] - Travel - Accomodasi - Sequence, headersequence & EmployeeID
ericsson ericsson


01:49 PM Support #1349 (Closed): ESS Mutation - Posting
Fiona Avangeline Jonathan
10:50 AM Bug #1342 (QA Test): Training List By Job
dear sergio , untuk ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi


05:42 PM Bug #1345 (Closed): [ESS] - Promotion
Johanes Christian Kurni
05:37 PM Bug #1345 (QA Test): [ESS] - Promotion
dear johanes , untuk ini udah bisa di test ya
M Azid Wahyudi
04:39 PM Feature #1343 (Closed): [ ESS - Overtime ] - Condition Back Date & Condition Day Type
ericsson ericsson
04:38 PM Feature #1343 (QA Test): [ ESS - Overtime ] - Condition Back Date & Condition Day Type
dear mang erik , untuk cond ini udah bisa di test semua ya
M Azid Wahyudi
01:27 PM Feature #1343: [ ESS - Overtime ] - Condition Back Date & Condition Day Type
Dear Erik,
untuk poin 2 terkait dgn field day type, berikut catatan nya ya
seharusnya field day type tidak boleh ...
Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
11:25 AM Support #1349 (Assigned): ESS Mutation - Posting
Fiona Avangeline Jonathan
11:25 AM Support #1349 (Closed): ESS Mutation - Posting
Dear Pak Yusuf,
Mohon dibantu pak untuk posting ESS Mutasi BMS. Dikarenakan kemarin ada permintaan revisi dari cl...
Fiona Avangeline Jonathan

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