



From 11/29/2021 to 12/28/2021


05:18 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #665 (Revise): BMS - ES , Costum Menu
fernando sergio rumbayan
04:14 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #665: BMS - ES , Costum Menu
mang, Azid untuk yang nomer 2 = report terminasi.
nama menuID = CPAR31
ericsson ericsson
fernando sergio rumbayan
03:35 PM Feature #675 (New): [ PA ] - Report Performance History
Dear Azid,
Masih terjadi eror saat sedang di testing, mohon bantuannya mang azid
fernando sergio rumbayan
03:31 PM Feature #673 (New): [ PA ] Report Personal Data
Dear Azid,
Terjadi Eror mang Azid pas mau di testing.
fernando sergio rumbayan
03:27 PM Bug #681 (New): [ HR ] - Skills Report
Dear AZID,
Masih terjadi Bug mang Azid.
fernando sergio rumbayan
03:16 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #669 (Closed): [ PMS ] - Report Custom PMS
Dear Aziddd,
Mantebbb Terima kasihhh mas azid
fernando sergio rumbayan
03:07 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #666: BMS - ES , Costum Menu Traning Management
Dear Azid,
Sudah Dibuatkan Report Catalog & Repor Selectionnya
1. Rpt_BMS_HR_TR_DaftarHadir = Report ID 0000100...
fernando sergio rumbayan
09:41 AM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #658: BMS - ES
Dear Azid,
Masih Terjadi EROR , tolong mas azid di cek lagi.
fernando sergio rumbayan


05:44 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #669 (QA Test): [ PMS ] - Report Custom PMS
test lagi sergio
M Azid Wahyudi
05:07 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #669 (Developing): [ PMS ] - Report Custom PMS
Dear azid,
Report PMS - Individu
1. Selection Sudah di buat tapi masih eror tolong mas azid di cek kembali
fernando sergio rumbayan
10:50 AM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #669 (QA Test): [ PMS ] - Report Custom PMS
1. Report Performance Individual, ReportID=9000016 (ES) Refers to Menu Report performance individu (Existing) (Report... M Azid Wahyudi
04:48 PM Feature #683: [ PA ] - Report Employee Assignment
Tolong lengkapi table PHROM0004 sesuai dengan table existing hr_md_orm_o_o
sesuaikan table PHROMORGLVL den...
M Azid Wahyudi
04:45 PM Feature #683: [ PA ] - Report Employee Assignment
Tolong lengkapi table PHROM0004 sesuai dengan table existing hr_md_orm_o_o M Azid Wahyudi
04:18 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #664: BMS - ES , Payroll Accounting
tolong lengkapi settingan
- reportType
- row
- fieldName
dan lengkapi table PHR...
M Azid Wahyudi
02:57 PM Feature #675 (QA Test): [ PA ] - Report Performance History
udah bisa di test
M Azid Wahyudi
12:22 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #666: BMS - ES , Costum Menu Traning Management
dear sergioo
untuk report ini
harap di buat report catalog dan selectionnya terlebih dahulu
M Azid Wahyudi
11:44 AM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #658 (QA Test): BMS - ES
udah bisa di test
M Azid Wahyudi
11:02 AM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #665 (QA Test): BMS - ES , Costum Menu
1. Report Pengangkatan "Rpt_BMS_HR_PA_Pengangkatan"
2. Report Terminasi "Rpt_BMS_HR_PA_Terminasi"
3. Report Employe...
M Azid Wahyudi
10:45 AM Feature #673 (QA Test): [ PA ] Report Personal Data
udah bisa di test
M Azid Wahyudi
10:20 AM Bug #681 (QA Test): [ HR ] - Skills Report
udah bisa di cek sergiooo
M Azid Wahyudi


06:06 PM Feature #683 (Assigned): [ PA ] - Report Employee Assignment
ericsson ericsson
06:06 PM Feature #683 (Closed): [ PA ] - Report Employee Assignment
Dear, Team Developer.
Mohon bantuannya untuk menambahkan field pada report Employee Assignment (ReportID=9000027)
ericsson ericsson
04:08 PM Bug #681 (Closed): [ HR ] - Skills Report
Dear, Team Developer.
Mohon bantuannya untuk menambahkan field pada report Skill (ReportID=9000037)
Berikut field...
ericsson ericsson


06:27 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #669 (Assigned): [ PMS ] - Report Custom PMS
ericsson ericsson
10:58 AM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #669 (Closed): [ PMS ] - Report Custom PMS
Dear, Developer.
Mohon Bantuannya untuk dibuatkan report custome untuk report berikut ini:
1. Report Performanc...
ericsson ericsson
06:26 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #658 (Assigned): BMS - ES
ericsson ericsson
06:26 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #666 (Assigned): BMS - ES , Costum Menu Traning Management
ericsson ericsson
06:26 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #665 (Assigned): BMS - ES , Costum Menu
ericsson ericsson
06:25 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #664 (Assigned): BMS - ES , Payroll Accounting
ericsson ericsson
06:23 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #671 (Assigned): [ PA ] - Report Employee Movement - Customized BMS
ericsson ericsson
11:51 AM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #671 (Closed): [ PA ] - Report Employee Movement - Customized BMS
Dear, Developer.
Mohon Bantuannya untuk dibuatkan report custome untuk report berikut ini:
1. Report Employee M...
fernando sergio rumbayan
06:23 PM Feature #675 (Closed): [ PA ] - Report Performance History
Dear, Team Developer.
Mohon bantuannya untuk menambahkan field pada report Performance History (ReportID=99000040)...
ericsson ericsson
04:42 PM Feature #673 (Assigned): [ PA ] Report Personal Data
ericsson ericsson
04:41 PM Feature #673 (Closed): [ PA ] Report Personal Data
Dear, Team Developer.
Mohon bantuannya untuk menambahkan field pada report personal data (ReportID=9000026)
ericsson ericsson


05:05 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #659 (Closed): BMS - ES
fernando sergio rumbayan
02:41 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #659 (QA Test): BMS - ES
coba test sergioo
terima kasih
M Azid Wahyudi
04:55 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #666 (Closed): BMS - ES , Costum Menu Traning Management
Mohon Bantuan nya mas azid, pada Traning Management Report Costum .
1. Report Daftar Hadir Traning BMS "Rpt_BMS_HR...
fernando sergio rumbayan
04:41 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Feature #665 (Closed): BMS - ES , Costum Menu
Mohon Bantuan nya mas azid, pada Employee Administration Report Costum .
1. Report Pengangkatan "Rpt_BMS_HR_PA_Pen...
fernando sergio rumbayan
03:12 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #664 (Closed): BMS - ES , Payroll Accounting
Dear Azid,
Mohon Bantuan nya mas azid, pada Payroll Accounting Report "Wage type Report" terjadi EROR
fernando sergio rumbayan
11:46 AM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #660 (Closed): BMS - ES
fernando sergio rumbayan
11:46 AM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #662 (Closed): BMS - ES , Semua Logo Payrool
fernando sergio rumbayan
11:46 AM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #656 (Closed): BMS - ES , Update Payroll
fernando sergio rumbayan
11:45 AM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #655 (Closed): BMS - ES , Report Travel
fernando sergio rumbayan


07:32 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #662 (QA Test): BMS - ES , Semua Logo Payrool
test yaa udah,,
M Azid Wahyudi
06:01 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #662 (Closed): BMS - ES , Semua Logo Payrool
Dear Azid,
Mohon Bantuan nya mas azid, pada Payroll Accounting Report "Payroll Report" terjadi Ukuran LOGO tidak s...
fernando sergio rumbayan
04:58 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #656: BMS - ES , Update Payroll
Dear Mba yoma,
Running Payrool nya tidak mau keluar mba, pada saat di running.
Link : http://remote.minovai...
fernando sergio rumbayan
03:57 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #656 (QA Test): BMS - ES , Update Payroll
Test ya, thanks Tri Rizqiaty
03:57 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #656 (Developing): BMS - ES , Update Payroll
Fixing :
1. Update API1 & API2 - bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Business.PY.dll
Tri Rizqiaty
02:27 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #656 (Closed): BMS - ES , Update Payroll
Dear Mba yoma,
Minta tolong update engine payrool mbaa
Link :
User : iis
fernando sergio rumbayan
03:38 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #660 (QA Test): BMS - ES
sergio ini selectionnya kurang di lengkapin dulu
M Azid Wahyudi
03:09 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #660 (Closed): BMS - ES
Dear Azid,
Mohon Bantuan nya mas azid, pada Recruitment Management "Aplicant Selection Report" terjadi EROR
fernando sergio rumbayan
03:33 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #655: BMS - ES , Report Travel
M Azid Wahyudi wrote in #note-1:
> coba di test lagi mang sergio ,, di table waktu 01012021 - now ga muncul karena g...
fernando sergio rumbayan
03:23 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #655 (QA Test): BMS - ES , Report Travel
coba test lagi sergio M Azid Wahyudi
03:21 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #655: BMS - ES , Report Travel
coba di test lagi mang sergio ,, di table waktu 01012021 - now ga muncul karena ga ada datanya 0
M Azid Wahyudi
02:19 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #655 (Closed): BMS - ES , Report Travel
Dear Azid,
Report Travel "Travel Employee(Individu)" Tidak Nampil
Remote :
fernando sergio rumbayan
03:03 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #659 (Closed): BMS - ES
Dear Azid,
Mohon Bantuan nya mas azid, pada Employee Administration Report "SK Perpanjangan Kontrak" terjadi EROR
fernando sergio rumbayan
02:57 PM BANK MEGA SYARIAH - ES Bug #658 (Closed): BMS - ES
Dear Azid,
Mohon Bantuan nya mas azid, pada Employee Administration Report "SK Mutasi" terjadi EROR
Link :...
fernando sergio rumbayan
Saswanto Tampan
Dear mas Wanto,
Menyimpan Data tampilan Bug, yang telah di ubah pada dasboard.
Terima Kasih.
fernando sergio rumbayan

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