From 04/14/2023 to 05/13/2023
- 03:57 PM Feature #2151: Payroll Administration - File Premi Panen - Report Premi Panen
- Dear Nando, Report Premi Panen Sudah di Deploy, silahkan di testing.
SP & RDL: RPTPREMIPANENBULANAN, RPTPREMIPANEN - 10:03 AM Feature #2151 (Revise): Payroll Administration - File Premi Panen - Report Premi Panen
- Dear sofwan,
Report Premi Panen Recap untuk hasil totalnya di buatkan Rupiah & hasil report recap di gabungkan j... - 03:55 PM Feature #2165 (QA Test): [Time to Payroll] - Tarif Premi HINODUMPTRUCK
- 03:55 PM Feature #2165 (Developing): [Time to Payroll] - Tarif Premi HINODUMPTRUCK
- Fixing update SP terlampir
- 03:54 PM Feature #2164 (QA Test): [Time to Payroll] - Tarif Premi CPO
- 03:54 PM Feature #2164 (Developing): [Time to Payroll] - Tarif Premi CPO
- Fixing update SP terlampir
- 03:54 PM Feature #2163 (QA Test): [Time to Payroll] - Tarif Binamarga
- 03:54 PM Feature #2163 (Developing): [Time to Payroll] - Tarif Binamarga
- Fixing update SP terlampir
- 02:53 PM Feature #2158 (Closed): Report Payroll - Report Payroll Summary
- Terimaa kasihhhh soff
- 10:13 AM Bug #2155: Payroll Administration - File Premi Hinodumptruck - Report Premi Hino Dump Truck
- Dear Nando, Report PREMI HINO DUMTRUCK sudah di deploy, silahkan di testing.
- 11:00 AM Feature #2165 (Closed): [Time to Payroll] - Tarif Premi HINODUMPTRUCK
- Dear Mba yomm,
Mbaa yom tolong ada penambahan kolom pada premi Hinodumptruck untuk perhitungan tarif Hinodumptruck... - 10:55 AM Feature #2164 (Closed): [Time to Payroll] - Tarif Premi CPO
- Dear Mba yomm,
Mbaa yom tolong ada penambahan kolom pada premi CPO untuk perhitungan tarif CPO, pada kolom Tarif H... - 10:38 AM Feature #2163 (Closed): [Time to Payroll] - Tarif Binamarga
- Dear Mba yomm,
Mbaa yom tolong ada penambahan kolom untuk perhitungan tarif Binamarga, pada kolom Tarif Hari libur...
- 04:06 PM Feature #2153 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi CPO - Report Premi CPO
- Dear Nando, Report Premi CPO sudah di deploy.
SP & RDL = RPTPREMIHINOCPO , RPTPREMIHINOCPOBULANAN - 02:53 PM Feature #2153: Payroll Administration - File Premi CPO - Report Premi CPO
- Dear Sofwan,
excel terlampir - 09:46 AM Feature #2153 (Assigned): Payroll Administration - File Premi CPO - Report Premi CPO
- 02:50 PM Feature #2152 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi Binamarga - Report Premi Binamarga
- Dear nando, report premi binamarga sudah di deploy, silahkan ditesing.
SP & RDL = RPTPREMIBINAMARGA & RPTPREMIBINA... - 09:46 AM Feature #2152 (Assigned): Payroll Administration - File Premi Binamarga - Report Premi Binamarga
- 01:40 PM Bug #2154 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi Hino - Report Premi Hino
- Dear Nando, Report Premi Hino Sudah di deploy, silahkan di testing.
Terima Kasih, Shofwan
SP & RDL = RPTPREMIHINO... - 09:46 AM Bug #2154 (Assigned): Payroll Administration - File Premi Hino - Report Premi Hino
- 11:49 AM Feature #2158 (QA Test): Report Payroll - Report Payroll Summary
- Dear Nando, wt sudah di daftarkan. Silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih
- 10:00 AM Feature #2158 (Closed): Report Payroll - Report Payroll Summary
- Dear Sofwan,
Sof Tolong untuk report Payroll Summary pada kolom ADJUSTMENT di masukan wagetype
Lembur HO 7010 & S... - 09:47 AM Bug #2155 (Assigned): Payroll Administration - File Premi Hinodumptruck - Report Premi Hino Dump Truck
- 05:35 PM Feature #2151 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi Panen - Report Premi Panen
- Dear Nando, Report Premi Panen Sudah di Deploy, silahkan di testing.
SP & RDL: RPTPREMIPANENBULANAN, RPTPREMIPANEN - 05:16 PM Bug #2156 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi Perawatan - Report Premi Perawatan
- Dear Nando, Report Premi Perawatan sudah di deploy, silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih.
- 05:07 PM Bug #2156 (Closed): Payroll Administration - File Premi Perawatan - Report Premi Perawatan
- Dear Shofwan,
Sof tolong buatkan report Premi Perawatan sesuai dengan Excel dibawah,
1. Report satu Employee untu... - 05:06 PM Bug #2155 (Closed): Payroll Administration - File Premi Hinodumptruck - Report Premi Hino Dump Truck
- Dear Shofwan,
Sof tolong buatkan report Premi Hino Dump Truck sesuai dengan Excel dibawah,
1. Report satu Employe... - 05:05 PM Bug #2154 (QA Test): Payroll Administration - File Premi Hino - Report Premi Hino
- Dear Shofwan,
Sof tolong buatkan report Premi Hino sesuai dengan Excel dibawah,
1. Report satu Employee untuk sat... - 02:54 PM Feature #2153 (Closed): Payroll Administration - File Premi CPO - Report Premi CPO
- Dear Shofwan,
Sof tolong buatkan report Premi CPO sesuai dengan Excel dibawah,
1. Report satu Employee untuk satu... - 02:44 PM Feature #2152 (Closed): Payroll Administration - File Premi Binamarga - Report Premi Binamarga
- Dear Shofwan,
Sof tolong buatkan report Premi Binamarga sesuai dengan Excel dibawah,
1. Report satu Employee untu...
- 04:58 PM Feature #2151 (Revise): Payroll Administration - File Premi Panen - Report Premi Panen
- Dear Shofwan,
Sof tolong buatkan report Premi Panen sesuai dengan Excel dibawah,
1. Report satu Employee untuk sa... - 03:32 PM Feature #2131 (Closed): [TM to Payroll] - Potongan Gaji dan Potongan lain
- 11:35 AM Feature #2131 (QA Test): [TM to Payroll] - Potongan Gaji dan Potongan lain
- Fixing :
1. Update SP CBIATMTOPYPOTGAJI.sql (file terlampir)
2. Add di table PCMEPGENPARAM = parameter CBIATMTOPY... - 11:22 AM Feature #2131 (Revise): [TM to Payroll] - Potongan Gaji dan Potongan lain
- 11:19 AM Feature #2131: [TM to Payroll] - Potongan Gaji dan Potongan lain
- maaf tambahan untuk potongan gaji hanya berlaku pada payroll class selain class A,B,C,D,E,F,X,W,Y,Z
Terima Kasih
- 04:57 PM Feature #2131 (QA Test): [TM to Payroll] - Potongan Gaji dan Potongan lain
- silakan ditest
- 04:57 PM Feature #2131: [TM to Payroll] - Potongan Gaji dan Potongan lain
- Perubahan di table PHRPYTMTOPY untuk tipe-tipe potongan : field Flag & Currency belum diseeting
- 04:47 PM Feature #2131 (Developing): [TM to Payroll] - Potongan Gaji dan Potongan lain
- Fixing :
1. Update API1\bin & API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Implementation.BIA.Business.TMToPYVar1.dll
2. Execute ... - 10:51 AM Feature #2131: [TM to Payroll] - Potongan Gaji dan Potongan lain
- sample Data
employee id = 17010491
Bulan des 2022 - 10:34 AM Feature #2131: [TM to Payroll] - Potongan Gaji dan Potongan lain
- 1. C_PotonganKehadiran = wage type 2121
2. C_PotonganKesehatan = wage type 2131
3. C_PotonganKeselamatan = wage typ...
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