



From 01/27/2023 to 02/25/2023


01:53 PM Feature #2007 (QA Test): Employee Administration - File Premi Perawatan - Report Premi Perawatan
Tri Rizqiaty
01:52 PM Feature #2007 (Developing): Employee Administration - File Premi Perawatan - Report Premi Perawatan
Fixing :
1. Update folder UI\app\view\masterdata : ViewExportMDBIAPerawatan.js , ViewUploadMDBIAPerawatan.js
2. U...
Tri Rizqiaty


11:34 AM Bug #1985 (QA Test): Customization - TM Data Wage Type Generation
Tri Rizqiaty
11:34 AM Bug #1985 (Developing): Customization - TM Data Wage Type Generation
Fixing : update API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Business.PY.dll (terlampir) Tri Rizqiaty
11:33 AM Bug #1986 (QA Test): Costomization - Payroll Group
Tri Rizqiaty
11:33 AM Bug #1986 (Developing): Costomization - Payroll Group
Fixing : update API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Business.PY.dll (terlampir) Tri Rizqiaty


10:42 AM Feature #2007 (QA Test): Employee Administration - File Premi Perawatan - Report Premi Perawatan
Dear Mba yomaa,
Mba yomm tolong, untuk Report Export & Import data template excelnya belum adaaa..
fernando sergio rumbayan


06:09 PM Bug #1986 (QA Test): Costomization - Payroll Group
Dear Mba yomaa,
Mba yom tolong.. Pada Perhitungan TM period yang sebelumnya ada di payroll Parameter di pindah ke ...
fernando sergio rumbayan
05:58 PM Bug #1985 (QA Test): Customization - TM Data Wage Type Generation
Dear Mbaa yomaa,
Mbaa yom Tolong utk Wage Type Generation , Time Management Type bisa sama tapi wagetype bisa lebi...
fernando sergio rumbayan


03:40 PM Support #1824 (Closed): [Time to Payroll] - Trip HINO Dump Truck
Johanes Christian Kurni
03:18 PM Bug #1966 (Closed): [HR-Employee Master Data] Data sudah di upload ke DB tapi tidak muncul di UI
Johanes Christian Kurni


09:52 AM Feature #1953 (QA Test): Value untuk base prorate fix
Tri Rizqiaty
09:51 AM Feature #1953 (Developing): Value untuk base prorate fix
Tri Rizqiaty
09:51 AM Feature #1953: Value untuk base prorate fix
Solution :
Penambahan field ConstantNumber ditable PHRPYCU0300 difisik atau diSDATATABLEFIELD, jadi kalau ProrateMet...
Tri Rizqiaty

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