From 12/09/2022 to 01/07/2023
- 04:30 PM Bug #1912: [HR - Time Management] Absence Quota tidak berkurang
- related dengan redmine 1676, 1630
- 04:27 PM Bug #1912 (Closed): [HR - Time Management] Absence Quota tidak berkurang
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon untuk diperbaiki masalah yang masih terjadi, yaitu quota cuti di MD Absence Quota tidak berk... - 02:40 PM Support #1910 (Closed): [TM to Payroll] - Premi Perawatan
- Mba Yoma,
Mohon dibantu untuk TM to Payroll Premi Perawatan dengan perhitungan sebagai berikut
Tabel Tarif: CTAR... - 09:53 AM Support #1821 (User Test): [TM to Payroll] - CPO PKS
- Fixing :
Update store procedure : CBIATMTOPYCPOTARIF.sql (file terlampir) - 09:22 AM Feature #1907 (Assigned): Perhitungan Lembur 1 jam + Lembur lewat pengajuan
- 03:48 PM Support #1821 (Revise): [TM to Payroll] - CPO PKS
- Mbaa yomaa,
Mbaa yom tolongg..
1.Ada Perubahan di Tarif CPO Table CTARIFCPO
2. Untuk menghitungnya tidak dar...
- 03:28 PM Feature #1907 (Closed): Perhitungan Lembur 1 jam + Lembur lewat pengajuan
- Dear Dev
Tolong Di tambahkan fungsi TM to Payroll
1. check dari data attendance apakah clock out lebih dari 1 ja...
- 12:44 PM Feature #1894 (QA Test): Fungsi Download attachment file di form "master data | file data"
- penambahan menu pada file
fungsi = mdgenerator.createFormCard
penambahan pada buttons... - 11:07 AM Feature #1894 (Closed): Fungsi Download attachment file di form "master data | file data"
- Dear Dev
tolong di buat fungsi untuk download file yg sudah di upload pada tab file data yg ada di menu employee ...
- 05:30 PM Feature #1892 (QA Test): Report Payroll - Report Payroll Summary
- Dear Nando, report Summary sudah di tambahkan kolom sesuai design Excel.
RDL: PRPTPYWTSUMMARY - 11:52 AM Feature #1892 (QA Test): Report Payroll - Report Payroll Summary
- Dear Sofwan,
1.Tolong utk kolom Basic Slary di masukan wage type yg lain. jadi ada 2 wage type dalam 1 kolom .. ...
- 02:52 PM Feature #1851 (QA Test): Employee Administration - Report Data Jabatan
- Nando,
task ini apa sudah bisa d close?
- 09:43 AM Feature #1875 (QA Test): Report Payroll - Report Payroll Summary
- Dear Nando, Report Payroll Summary sudah di upload silahkan di testing.
- 12:20 PM Feature #1861 (Closed): Report Payroll - Report Tax per Employee
- 12:18 PM Feature #1875 (QA Test): Report Payroll - Report Payroll Summary
- Dear Sofwan,
Tolong buatkan Report Payroll Summary -> Ambil dari Wage Type Recap..
Menu = Payroll Summary
- 03:51 PM Feature #1851 (Developing): Employee Administration - Report Data Jabatan
- Dear Nando, Report Data Jabatan sudah di deploy. untuk beberapa field yg kosong masih belum ada info soal pengambilan...
- 05:33 PM Feature #1864 (QA Test): Fungsi Untuk Import Data Data Premi
- 05:32 PM Feature #1864 (Developing): Fungsi Untuk Import Data Data Premi
- Fixing :
1. Update folder UI\app\view\masterdata sama file terlampir
2. Update folder UUI\Pages sama file terlamp... - 03:01 PM Bug #1813 (Closed): [HR-Administration] Export Employee Data
- 04:47 PM Feature #1846 (Closed): Generate Quota Cuty
- 04:41 PM Feature #1864 (Closed): Fungsi Untuk Import Data Data Premi
- Dear Dev
Tolong di buat kan fungsi import untuk data data premi
- Premi Panen
- Premi Hino
- Premi Binamarga
... - 12:20 PM Feature #1861 (QA Test): Report Payroll - Report Tax per Employee
- Dear Nando, Report Tax period Employee sudah di upload, bisa di testing.
- 10:22 AM Feature #1860 (QA Test): Closing Premi Panen untuk TMT Payroll
- Silakan ditest
- 10:21 AM Feature #1860 (Developing): Closing Premi Panen untuk TMT Payroll
- Fixing :
1. Execute SP : CBIACLOSINGBJR_20221209.sql (file terlampir)
2. Udpate table2 sesuai file excel terlampi...
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