From 08/14/2022 to 09/12/2022
- 04:25 PM Bug #1582 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Review - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Appraiser
- 04:22 PM Bug #1582: [ESS PMS] PMS Review - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Appraiser
- Terimakasihh mas, sudah selesai ya.
- 04:18 PM Bug #1582 (QA Test): [ESS PMS] PMS Review - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Appraiser
- dear mega , udah bisa di test ya
perbaikan :
- bizproc (pms_review)
- afterrender
makasih - 04:08 PM Bug #1582 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Review - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Appraiser
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon bantuannya untuk menghilangkan button Add & Delete pada form Appraiser, karena data akan ter... - 04:25 PM Bug #1583 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Final - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Appraiser
- 04:21 PM Bug #1583: [ESS PMS] PMS Final - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Appraiser
- Terimakasihh mas, sudah selesai ya.
- 04:19 PM Bug #1583 (QA Test): [ESS PMS] PMS Final - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Appraiser
- dear mega , udah bisa di test ya
perbaikan :
- bizproc (pms_final)
- afterrender
makasih - 04:10 PM Bug #1583 (Assigned): [ESS PMS] PMS Final - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Appraiser
- 04:10 PM Bug #1583 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Final - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Appraiser
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon bantuannya untuk menghilangkan button Add & Delete pada form Appraiser, karena data akan ter... - 04:24 PM Bug #1584 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Review - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Skala Penilaian Kerja
- Terimakasihh mas, sudah selesai ya.
- 04:22 PM Bug #1584 (QA Test): [ESS PMS] PMS Review - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Skala Penilaian Kerja
- dear mega , udah bisa di test ya
perbaikan :
- bizproc (pms_review)
- afterrender
makasih - 04:18 PM Bug #1584 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Review - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Skala Penilaian Kerja
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon bantuannya untuk menghilangkan button Add & Delete pada form Skala Penilaian Kerja, karena d... - 04:24 PM Bug #1585: [ESS PMS] PMS Final - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Skala Penilaian Kerja
- Terimakasihh mas, sudah selesai ya.
- 04:24 PM Bug #1585 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Final - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Skala Penilaian Kerja
- 04:23 PM Bug #1585 (QA Test): [ESS PMS] PMS Final - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Skala Penilaian Kerja
- dear mega , udah bisa di test ya
perbaikan :
- bizproc (pms_final)
- afterrender
makasih - 04:21 PM Bug #1585 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Final - Hilangkan button Add & Delete di form Skala Penilaian Kerja
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon bantuannya untuk menghilangkan button Add & Delete pada form Skala Penilaian Kerja, karena d... - 04:11 PM Bug #1565: [ ESS ] - Performance Final - Key Behaviour Index
- sip, sudah sesuai. Terimakasih
- 04:05 PM Bug #1565 (QA Test): [ ESS ] - Performance Final - Key Behaviour Index
- dear mega , udah bisa di test ya
perbaikan :
-bizproc (pms_final)
- method
- init
- 12:28 PM Bug #1497: [ESS PMS] PMS Goal Setting - Key Behaviour Index
- dear mega ,, pebaikan di :
- bizproc (pms_goal)
- init
- method
lebih jelasnya di file - 11:57 AM Bug #1497 (Assigned): [ESS PMS] PMS Goal Setting - Key Behaviour Index
- 11:43 AM Bug #1497 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Goal Setting - Key Behaviour Index
- sip, sudah sesuai.
Tolong untuk dilampirkan apa saja perubahan dan penambahan yang dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan re... - 10:07 AM Bug #1497: [ESS PMS] PMS Goal Setting - Key Behaviour Index
- dear mega ,, untuk redmine ini udah bisa di test ya
makasih - 12:24 PM Bug #1523 (QA Test): [ ESS ] - Performance Review - Key Behaviour Index
- update nya di :
- penambahan function di bizproc (init dan method)
filenya di notepad - 11:56 AM Bug #1523 (Assigned): [ ESS ] - Performance Review - Key Behaviour Index
- 11:41 AM Bug #1523 (Closed): [ ESS ] - Performance Review - Key Behaviour Index
- 11:41 AM Bug #1523: [ ESS ] - Performance Review - Key Behaviour Index
- oke mas Azid, done.
Tolong untuk dilampirkan apa saja perubahan dan penambahan yang dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan re... - 10:05 AM Bug #1523: [ ESS ] - Performance Review - Key Behaviour Index
- dear mega ,, untuk redmine ini udah bisa di test ya
makasih - 12:22 PM Bug #1565: [ ESS ] - Performance Final - Key Behaviour Index
- update nya di :
- penambahan function di bizproc (init dan method)
- 11:44 AM Bug #1565 (Assigned): [ ESS ] - Performance Final - Key Behaviour Index
- 11:41 AM Bug #1565 (Closed): [ ESS ] - Performance Final - Key Behaviour Index
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon bantuannya untuk membuatkan Weighted Score otomatis saat menginput Score App, contoh :
1. J... - 11:37 AM Bug #1564 (Assigned): [ESS PMS] Formulasi Perhitungan KBI untuk PMS Review
- 11:37 AM Bug #1564 (Closed): [ESS PMS] Formulasi Perhitungan KBI untuk PMS Review
- Dear Mas Azid,
Berikut saya lampirkan file excel untuk formulasi perhitungan KBI Pertalife.
Port : http://remo... - 10:06 AM Bug #1510: [ESS PMS] PMS Goal Setting - Appraiser
- dear mega , untuk redmine ini udah bisa di test ya
- 02:36 PM Bug #1553: Report Final Penilaian Individu
- maaf ketinggalan
url :
user : minovais
pass : 123Aa
DB server : remote.mino... - 02:24 PM Bug #1553 (Assigned): Report Final Penilaian Individu
- 02:21 PM Bug #1553 (Closed): Report Final Penilaian Individu
- Dear Dev.
Tolong di design kan RDL untuk printout final penilaian individu dengan contoh terlampir
Terima Kasih - 02:35 PM Bug #904 (Assigned): [HR-PMS] Menu Export Performance Data
- Mang Wanto,
Mohon dibantu untuk menu export performance data di pertalife masih belum jalan.
Terima kasih. - 02:35 PM Bug #906 (Assigned): [HR-PMS] Menu Import Performance Data
- Mang Wanto,
Mohon dibantu untuk menu import performance data di pertalife masih belum jalan.
Terima kasih.
- 01:47 PM Bug #1535 (QA Test): [ ESS ] - TaskID PMS (Goal-Review-Final)
- 01:47 PM Bug #1535: [ ESS ] - TaskID PMS (Goal-Review-Final)
- ericsson ericsson wrote:
> Dear, Developer.
> mohon bantuannya untuk membuatkan fungsi pada task id berikut in...
- 03:49 PM Bug #1535 (Assigned): [ ESS ] - TaskID PMS (Goal-Review-Final)
- 03:48 PM Bug #1535 (Closed): [ ESS ] - TaskID PMS (Goal-Review-Final)
- Dear, Developer.
mohon bantuannya untuk membuatkan fungsi pada task id berikut ini :
1. TaskID : apv_ds (dibu... - 09:04 AM Bug #1193: [Performance Report] Performance Report Individu
- Tolong di berikan design report yg sesuai requirement pertalife ya di redmine ini
- 09:03 AM Bug #1194: [Performance Report] Performance Unit
- Kak Ali,
untuk report PMS nya pertalife tolong di finalkan design nya akan seperti apa? apakah ada report custom mer...
- 03:33 PM Bug #1523 (Assigned): [ ESS ] - Performance Review - Key Behaviour Index
- Dear All,
sedikit tambahan informasi ya:
perhitungan ini tidak hanya berlaku di field App1Score_51 saja ya, namun u... - 03:07 PM Bug #1523 (Closed): [ ESS ] - Performance Review - Key Behaviour Index
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon bantuannya untuk membuatkan Weighted Score otomatis saat menginput Score App, contoh :
1. J... - 11:09 AM Bug #1183 (Closed): [Report FPP] FPP HC Recap
- 11:09 AM Bug #1184 (Closed): [Report FPP] FPP GA Recap
- 11:09 AM Bug #1185 (Closed): [Recruitment Report] Uraian & Persyaratan Jabatan
- 11:09 AM Bug #1186 (Closed): [Employee Report] All Employee
- 11:09 AM Bug #1187 (Closed): [Employee Report] Attendance & Overtime Recap
- 11:09 AM Bug #1188 (Closed): [Payroll Report] Wage Type Recap
- 11:08 AM Bug #1189 (Closed): [Payroll Report] Posting to GL (Company)
- 11:08 AM Bug #1190 (Closed): [Payroll Report] Posting to GL (Cost Center)
- 11:08 AM Bug #1191 (Closed): [Payroll Report] eSPT Bulanan Adjusment
- 11:07 AM Bug #1192 (Closed): [Purchase Report] NPP Report
- 11:07 AM Bug #1196 (Closed): [Asset Report ] Asset Depresiasi
- 10:58 AM Bug #1510 (Assigned): [ESS PMS] PMS Goal Setting - Appraiser
- 10:58 AM Bug #1510 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Goal Setting - Appraiser
- Dear Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk membuatkan ketentuan :
1. Form Appraiser (PHRPA0048ESS), pada field Appr...
- 04:19 PM Bug #1497 (Assigned): [ESS PMS] PMS Goal Setting - Key Behaviour Index
- 04:19 PM Bug #1497 (Closed): [ESS PMS] PMS Goal Setting - Key Behaviour Index
- Dear Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dibuatkan autofill untuk form Key Behaviour Index :
1. Qualification d... - 08:59 AM Bug #1194: [Performance Report] Performance Unit
- kalau bms itu report performance
- report individu
- sama custom mereka , report monitoring - 08:58 AM Bug #1194: [Performance Report] Performance Unit
- ada 3 report mba di petralife , kalau product r itu kan individu sama performance report per unit , nah performance p...
- 08:42 AM Bug #1194: [Performance Report] Performance Unit
- Coba pakai report standar yg ada aja.
tidak usah pakai yg ada chartnya di report zid. Pakai yg dalam bentuk rekap t... - 06:55 AM Bug #1194: [Performance Report] Performance Unit
- dear mega , report ini bukan report product , report product Performance Report per Unit , setelah dicek rdl tidak ad...
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