From 07/31/2022 to 08/29/2022
- 06:12 PM Bug #1459 (QA Test): Production Management - Production Plan
- 06:10 PM Support #1517 (QA Test): [Inventory] Doc Ref & Ref Item belum jalan
- update di table PTRSALESITEMS tambah kolom ItemStatus tipe data int devault value = 1
- 05:29 PM Support #1516 (Closed): [Sales] Doc Ref Item belum jalan
- Sudah bisa save dan ref item sudah ketarik untuk 3 document sales. Terima kasih Mang Wanto.
- 05:27 PM Support #1516 (QA Test): [Sales] Doc Ref Item belum jalan
- update
.../app/controller/filo/document.js - 02:12 PM Support #1516: [Sales] Doc Ref Item belum jalan
- Mang Wanto,
Berikut update terkait doc ref, item di tab Sales Item sudah muncul ref dari document sales inquiry n... - 04:59 PM Bug #1531 (Closed): [Production] - Error saving
- Done, sudah berhasil ke save. Terima kasih Mba Yoma.
- 04:15 PM Bug #1531 (QA Test): [Production] - Error saving
- 04:13 PM Bug #1531 (Developing): [Production] - Error saving
- Fixing :
Update folder API2-bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Business.Filo.dll (file terlampir) - 12:59 PM Bug #1531 (Closed): [Production] - Error saving
- Mba Yoma,
Mohon dibantu untuk modul production tab Material, Resources dan Cost error ketika di save.
!clipboar... - 03:04 PM Feature #1526 (New): [ERP Demo] Report Material
- Design belum ada.
- 12:48 PM Feature #1526 (Assigned): [ERP Demo] Report Material
- 03:04 PM Support #1532 (Assigned): [Business Intelligence] - Logistic Dashboard
- 03:03 PM Support #1532 (Closed): [Business Intelligence] - Logistic Dashboard
- Mang Wanto,
Mohon dibantu untuk buatkan dashboard logistic.
Login: fiona... - 03:00 PM Feature #1527 (New): [ERP Demo] Report Customer
- Design belum tersedia.
- 12:48 PM Feature #1527 (Assigned): [ERP Demo] Report Customer
- 11:57 AM Feature #1521: [ERP Demo] Report Purchasing
- dear all,
berikut yaa revisi comment di excelnya untuk nama tabel di tiap2 field
- 09:47 AM Bug #1518 (Closed): [Sales] Tombol SAVE belum jalan.
- Done, terima kasih mba Yomma.
- 04:47 PM Bug #1519 (Closed): [Inventory - GICU] Tombol SAVE belum jalan.
- Sudah bisa di save, terima kasih.
- 03:09 PM Bug #1519 (QA Test): [Inventory - GICU] Tombol SAVE belum jalan.
- 03:09 PM Bug #1519 (Developing): [Inventory - GICU] Tombol SAVE belum jalan.
- fixing :
1. update folder API2\bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Business.Filo.dll (file terlampir)
2. execute query terlampir - 11:30 AM Bug #1518 (QA Test): [Sales] Tombol SAVE belum jalan.
- 11:28 AM Bug #1518 (Developing): [Sales] Tombol SAVE belum jalan.
- Fixing :
1. Update length untuk field2 status di table Approval
- 05:09 PM Feature #1527 (Closed): [ERP Demo] Report Customer
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dibuatkan report "Customer Master Recap" dan "Customer Master Detail" sesuai... - 05:07 PM Feature #1526 (Closed): [ERP Demo] Report Material
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dibuatkan report "Master Material Recap" dan "Master Material Detail" sesuai... - 03:14 PM Feature #1524 (Assigned): [ERP Demo] Report Vendor
- 03:14 PM Feature #1524 (Closed): [ERP Demo] Report Vendor
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dibuatkan report "Vendor Recap" dan "Vendor Detail" sesuai dengan desain ter... - 10:16 AM Feature #1521 (Assigned): [ERP Demo] Report Purchasing
- 10:14 AM Feature #1521 (Closed): [ERP Demo] Report Purchasing
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon bantuannyaa untuk melakukan penyesuaian atas report "Purchase Recap" dan "Purchase Document D... - 10:01 AM Feature #1520 (Assigned): [ERP Demo] Report Production
- 09:35 AM Feature #1520 (Closed): [ERP Demo] Report Production
- Dear Mas Azid,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dibuatkan report "Production Recap" dan "Production Document Detail" sesuai ...
- 04:07 PM Bug #1519 (Closed): [Inventory - GICU] Tombol SAVE belum jalan.
- Mba Yoma,
Mohon dibantu untuk modul inventory document Goods Issue to Customer tombol save nya tidak berfungsi dan... - 04:03 PM Bug #1518 (Closed): [Sales] Tombol SAVE belum jalan.
- Mba Yoma,
Mohon dibantu untuk modul sales (3 document)
1. Tab Sales Approval (table PTRSALESAPPROVAL) ketika di ... - 03:54 PM Support #1517 (Assigned): [Inventory] Doc Ref & Ref Item belum jalan
- 03:54 PM Support #1517 (Closed): [Inventory] Doc Ref & Ref Item belum jalan
- Mang Wanto,
Mohon dibantu untuk
1. Document ref dan document ref item di modul inventory (goods issue to custom... - 02:29 PM Support #1516 (Assigned): [Sales] Doc Ref Item belum jalan
- 02:29 PM Support #1516 (Closed): [Sales] Doc Ref Item belum jalan
- Mang Wanto,
Mohon dibantu untuk document ref item di modul sales (sales order, sales inquiry, sales quotation) be...
- 11:35 AM Support #1509 (Closed): [Talent Management] - Duplicate data in Combo
- Cancelled
- 10:44 AM Support #1509 (Assigned): [Talent Management] - Duplicate data in Combo
- 10:44 AM Support #1509 (Closed): [Talent Management] - Duplicate data in Combo
- Dear Mba Yoma,
Mohon dibantu untuk field Proficiency di menu Talent Master Data dan Report Employee Profile untuk... - 11:28 AM Support #1508 (Closed): [Talent Management] - Duplicate data in Combo
- Cancelled
- 10:45 AM Support #1508 (Assigned): [Talent Management] - Duplicate data in Combo
- 09:41 AM Support #1508 (Closed): [Talent Management] - Duplicate data in Combo
- Dear Mba Yoma,
Mohon dibantu untuk field Proficiency di menu Talent Master Data dan Report Employee Profile untuk...
- 05:27 PM Bug #1337 (Closed): [HR-COMPENSATION] Calculation masih ada yg kurang sesuai
- done
- 05:22 PM Support #1452: [ERP] Report Tracking
- Maul, nitip tolong ngetest report ini ya di port demo 61124
- 03:15 PM Support #1452 (QA Test): [ERP] Report Tracking
- 03:15 PM Support #1452 (Developing): [ERP] Report Tracking
- Fixing :
1. Update folder API1 & API2 - bin : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Data.Element.Product.dll (fileterlampir)
2. Execu...
- 06:09 PM Bug #1459: Production Management - Production Plan
- perbaikan pada file
//saswanto 4agustus2022 start
update MinovaIS.MinovaES.B... - 02:10 PM Bug #1459: Production Management - Production Plan
- Dear mang wanto,
PTRPRODUCTIONLABORS = Reso... - 01:36 PM Bug #1459 (Closed): Production Management - Production Plan
- Dear Mang wanto,
Mang tolong untuk dokumen ref nyaa yg ada di production plan tidak keluar data isi di dokumennya.... - 08:33 AM Support #1452 (Assigned): [ERP] Report Tracking
- 05:35 PM Support #1452 (QA Test): [ERP] Report Tracking
- Dear Yomma,
mohon untuk dapat
1. merubah query pd report tacking sesuai diskusi dgn get dari tabel PCMBSPROCRUNDET...
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