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Hours: 922.20

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
03/19/2025 M Azid Wahyudi Project Feature #3511: Tambahkan format Word untuk Download Report Tambahkan format Word untuk Download Report 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
03/17/2025 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3427: Perbaikan Tampilan Combobox Finish Goods di menu-menu Production 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
03/14/2025 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #3508: Report Price Quotation tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diisikan di dokumen 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
03/10/2025 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3207: Notifikasi e-mail untuk atasan (All Document) 5.00 Edit Delete Actions
02/17/2025 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3427: Perbaikan Tampilan Combobox Finish Goods di menu-menu Production 0.00 Edit Delete Actions
02/10/2025 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3337: Perbaikan filter Stock Adjustment 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
02/10/2025 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #3152: Term of Payment yg dipilih di Header ingin bisa ngeload ke tab Term of Payment Term of Payment yg dipilih di Header ingin bisa ngeload ke tab Term of Payment 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
01/15/2025 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3337: Perbaikan filter Stock Adjustment 2.00 Edit Delete Actions
12/23/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #2548: Report Purchase Order 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
12/23/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #2663: Report Good Receipt 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
12/23/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #3313: Vendor Master Data tidak bisa Create/Edit 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
12/20/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Bug #3302: Field Posisi Stock di Purchase Requisition kalau Create Ref tidak muncul 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
12/17/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3114: Revisi Report Surat Jalan 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
12/16/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3290: Ingin ditambahkan kolom Nama Barang di menu Stock Closing 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
12/16/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #2735: Stock Adjustment 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
12/04/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #3152: Term of Payment yg dipilih di Header ingin bisa ngeload ke tab Term of Payment Term of Payment yg dipilih di Header ingin bisa ngeload ke tab Term of Payment 2.00 Edit Delete Actions
11/13/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3207: Notifikasi e-mail untuk atasan (All Document) 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
11/11/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3147: Notifikasi e-mail untuk Atasan 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
11/08/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3147: Notifikasi e-mail untuk Atasan 2.00 Edit Delete Actions
11/06/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3147: Notifikasi e-mail untuk Atasan 5.00 Edit Delete Actions
11/05/2024 M Azid Wahyudi Project Bug #3190: [ESS-LeaveMobile]perbaikan pada ess leave dimana pada saat ambil cuti tahunan, ada error please check working schedule or absence quota padahal ws nya ada dan quota nya juga ada. [ESS-LeaveMobile]perbaikan pada ess leave dimana pada saat ambil cuti tahunan, ada error please check working schedule or absence quota padahal ws nya ada dan quota nya juga ada. 2.00 Edit Delete Actions
11/01/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3135: Report Stock Traffic Finish Goods 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
11/01/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3134: Report Stock Traffic RMPM 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
11/01/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3135: Report Stock Traffic Finish Goods 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
10/31/2024 shofwan shiddiq Project Feature #3134: Report Stock Traffic RMPM 1.00 Edit Delete Actions
(1-25/324) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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