



From 11/05/2020 to 12/04/2020


05:29 PM Feature #67 (Deploy): Enhancement - TM To Payroll - Potongan Absence
Aden Baihaqi
02:09 PM Feature #25 (Closed): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
Done Aden Baihaqi
02:08 PM Feature #25 (Deploy): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
Aden Baihaqi
02:06 PM Feature #25 (QA Test): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
Aden Baihaqi
02:06 PM Feature #25 (Developing): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
Aden Baihaqi


05:42 PM Feature #20 (QA Test): HR - OM Recap Future
Aden Baihaqi
05:42 PM Feature #20 (Developing): HR - OM Recap Future
Aden Baihaqi
12:38 PM Feature #15 (Closed): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
Done Aden Baihaqi
12:34 PM Feature #39 (Closed): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
Done Aden Baihaqi
06:49 AM Feature #39 (Deploy): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
Aden Baihaqi
06:49 AM Feature #39 (QA Test): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
Aden Baihaqi
06:48 AM Feature #39 (Developing): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
Aden Baihaqi
12:10 PM Feature #26 (Closed): HR - Bugs Loan
Aden Baihaqi
12:09 PM Feature #34 (Closed): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
Done Aden Baihaqi
06:51 AM Feature #34 (Deploy): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
Aden Baihaqi
06:51 AM Feature #34 (QA Test): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
Aden Baihaqi
06:51 AM Feature #34 (Developing): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
Aden Baihaqi
11:44 AM Feature #14 (Closed): HR - New Tab List Inbox
Done Aden Baihaqi


01:40 PM Feature #36 (Assigned): MOBILE - Mobile Medical
Heriyas Nafward
01:39 PM Feature #37 (Assigned): MOBILE - Mobile Travel
Heriyas Nafward
01:39 PM Feature #38 (Assigned): MOBILE - Mobile Loan
Heriyas Nafward
01:39 PM Feature #69 (Assigned): API Mobile Loan
Heriyas Nafward
12:03 PM Feature #69 (QA Test): API Mobile Loan
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatan API Mobile Loan seperti versi desktop ESS Loan
Aden Baihaqi
01:39 PM Feature #70 (Assigned): API Mobile Medical
Heriyas Nafward
12:03 PM Feature #70 (QA Test): API Mobile Medical
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatan API Mobile Medical seperti versi desktop ESS Medical
Aden Baihaqi
01:38 PM Feature #71 (Assigned): API Mobile Travel
Heriyas Nafward
12:04 PM Feature #71 (QA Test): API Mobile Travel
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatan API Mobile Travel seperti versi desktop ESS Travel
Aden Baihaqi
12:12 PM Feature #67 (QA Test): Enhancement - TM To Payroll - Potongan Absence
Tri Rizqiaty


02:23 PM Feature #24 (Deploy): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Tinggal deploy client Aden Baihaqi
11:52 AM Feature #24 (QA Test): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Tri Rizqiaty
11:53 AM Feature #67 (Developing): Enhancement - TM To Payroll - Potongan Absence
Tri Rizqiaty
06:10 AM Feature #17 (QA Test): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Aden Baihaqi
05:54 AM Feature #14 (Deploy): HR - New Tab List Inbox
Deploy ke Client Aden Baihaqi
05:54 AM Feature #14 (QA Test): HR - New Tab List Inbox
Aden Baihaqi
05:53 AM Feature #14 (Developing): HR - New Tab List Inbox
Aden Baihaqi


06:14 PM Feature #67 (Closed): Enhancement - TM To Payroll - Potongan Absence
Dear Developer
Mohon dibuatkan fungsi TM to Payroll Untuk Varian Potongan Absence.
Design terlampir
05:29 PM Feature #15 (Deploy): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
Deploy ke Client Aden Baihaqi
05:27 PM Feature #17 (Revise): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Terlampir hasil test Aden Baihaqi
05:20 PM Feature #24 (Revise): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Untuk perhitungan sudah sesuai. Tinggal Referensi Start Date dan End Date di TM To PY yang mengambil ke field ChangeD... Aden Baihaqi
04:12 PM Feature #24 (QA Test): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Tri Rizqiaty


11:56 AM Feature #27 (Developing): Enhancement - Report Absence Recap
Ade Sofiarani
10:30 AM Feature #22 (Closed): ESS - Sharing Approval
Aden Baihaqi
06:00 AM Feature #15 (QA Test): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
Aden Baihaqi
06:00 AM Feature #15 (Developing): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
Aden Baihaqi
06:00 AM Feature #17 (QA Test): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Aden Baihaqi
05:59 AM Feature #17 (Developing): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Aden Baihaqi


05:48 PM Feature #22 (Deploy): ESS - Sharing Approval
Aden Baihaqi
05:47 PM Feature #22 (QA Test): ESS - Sharing Approval
Aden Baihaqi
05:47 PM Feature #22 (Developing): ESS - Sharing Approval
Aden Baihaqi
05:05 PM Feature #26 (Deploy): HR - Bugs Loan
Sisa Load Balancenya yg belum. Tapi Minor dan gak jadi stopper. Aden Baihaqi


04:19 PM Feature #55 (Assigned): Enhancement - Service Finger
Heriyas Nafward
12:23 PM Feature #21 (Closed): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Aden Baihaqi
12:23 PM Feature #21 (Deploy): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Aden Baihaqi
12:23 PM Feature #21 (QA Test): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Aden Baihaqi
12:22 PM Feature #21 (Developing): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Aden Baihaqi
09:19 AM Feature #38: MOBILE - Mobile Loan
Terlampir Aden Baihaqi


04:53 PM Feature #55 (Closed): Enhancement - Service Finger
Dear Dev,
Tolong lanjutkan pembuatan service finger BBG dari Maskin
Aden Baihaqi
09:16 AM Feature #24 (Developing): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Tri Rizqiaty


09:05 PM Bug #35 (Closed): HR - Payroll Result Error
Aden Baihaqi
09:04 PM Bug #35 (Deploy): HR - Payroll Result Error
Done Ya De,
Aden Baihaqi
02:30 PM Bug #35 (QA Test): HR - Payroll Result Error
*Settingan di selection is Active harus 1 untuk fieldname PayPeriod dan RunPeriod Ade Sofiarani
10:44 AM Bug #35 (Developing): HR - Payroll Result Error
Ade Sofiarani
04:21 PM Feature #14 (Assigned): HR - New Tab List Inbox
Heriyas Nafward
04:21 PM Feature #15 (Assigned): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
Heriyas Nafward
04:21 PM Feature #17 (Assigned): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Heriyas Nafward
04:21 PM Feature #39 (Assigned): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
Heriyas Nafward
03:14 PM Feature #22 (Assigned): ESS - Sharing Approval
Heriyas Nafward


03:59 PM Feature #24: HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Aden Baihaqi
09:13 AM Feature #24 (Assigned): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Heriyas Nafward
09:15 AM Feature #26 (QA Test): HR - Bugs Loan
Tri Rizqiaty
09:13 AM Feature #34 (Assigned): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
Heriyas Nafward
09:12 AM Bug #35 (Assigned): HR - Payroll Result Error
Heriyas Nafward


05:07 PM Feature #39 (Closed): ESS - ESS Leave & Overtime Lanjutan
Dear Alip,
Sisa task yg lg developing tolong di selesaikan:
-Fungsi delegate hanya menampilkan peers dan atasan l...
Aden Baihaqi
05:00 PM Feature #38 (Closed): MOBILE - Mobile Loan
Dear Dev,
Tolong sesuaikan UI (sesuai settingan tabel), Validasi dan Fungsi pada Mobile Loan seperti ESS Loan Desk...
Aden Baihaqi
04:59 PM Feature #37 (Closed): MOBILE - Mobile Travel
Dear Dev,
Tolong sesuaikan UI (sesuai settingan tabel), Validasi dan Fungsi pada Mobile Travel seperti ESS Travel ...
Aden Baihaqi
04:59 PM Feature #36 (Closed): MOBILE - Mobile Medical
Dear Dev,
Tolong sesuaikan UI (sesuai settingan tabel), Validasi dan Fungsi pada Mobile Medical seperti ESS Medica...
Aden Baihaqi
04:57 PM Bug #35 (Closed): HR - Payroll Result Error
Dear Dev,
Tolong fixing report payroll result BBG di CLient yg error saat di view
Aden Baihaqi
04:56 PM Feature #34 (Closed): ESS - Menu Delete Request ID
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan menu/fitur baru untuk Delete Request ID seperti eksisting BBG
Aden Baihaqi
03:02 PM Feature #27 (Assigned): Enhancement - Report Absence Recap
Heriyas Nafward
12:47 PM Feature #27 (Closed): Enhancement - Report Absence Recap
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan report absence recap seperti desain terlampir.
Aden Baihaqi
02:21 PM Feature #26 (Developing): HR - Bugs Loan
Tri Rizqiaty
12:42 PM Feature #26 (Closed): HR - Bugs Loan
Dear Dev,
Tolong fixing Loan HR:
- Loan HR NAN amountnya.
- Muncul tabel balance padahal blm simulate di HR
- S...
Aden Baihaqi
12:10 PM Feature #25 (Assigned): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
Heriyas Nafward
11:17 AM Feature #25 (Closed): HR - View payslip setelah running & Simulate
Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan Menu view payslip setelah running & Simulate seperti eksisting
Aden Baihaqi
12:10 PM Feature #20 (Assigned): HR - OM Recap Future
Heriyas Nafward
10:57 AM Feature #20 (Closed): HR - OM Recap Future
Dear Dev,
Tolong cek logic OM Recap untuk tgl future di BBG belum berfungsi. Contek ke MEGA
Aden Baihaqi
12:09 PM Feature #21 (Assigned): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Heriyas Nafward
10:57 AM Feature #21 (Closed): HR - Update Auth Type LDAP blm otomatis
Dear Dev,
Tolong di perbaiki agar Auth Type LDAP terisi otomatis saat Load LDAP ID
Aden Baihaqi
11:08 AM Feature #24 (Closed): HR - TM to PY Overtime lintas tahun
Dear Dev,
Tolong dibuatkan agar payroll bisa menghitung data lintas tahun (Case Desember ke Januari)
Aden Baihaqi
10:58 AM Feature #22 (Closed): ESS - Sharing Approval
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan fungsi Sharing Approval seperti ESS Eksisting
Aden Baihaqi
10:51 AM Feature #17 (Closed): ESS - Fungsi Save Retro dan Correction
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan Fungsi Retro dan Correction di ESS OT, Travel, Medical
Bandingkan tanggal pada...
Aden Baihaqi
10:45 AM Feature #15 (Closed): ESS - Validasi Payroll Controll
Dear Dev,
Tolong di buatkan Validasi Task terakhir sebelum masuk ke DB agar tidak error saat payroll start
Aden Baihaqi
10:44 AM Feature #14 (Closed): HR - New Tab List Inbox
Dear Dev,
Tolong buatkan fungsi agar list inbox dan sejenisnya bisa buka new tab agar form sebelumnya tidak hilang...
Aden Baihaqi

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