From 05/14/2021 to 06/12/2021
- 08:04 PM Feature #342: ASBI - CR Integrasi Applicant Profile to Talent Match Up
- poin 3 done
Sisanya poin 1 dan 2 belum
- 10:12 AM Feature #342: ASBI - CR Integrasi Applicant Profile to Talent Match Up
- Dear Yomma,
sesuai hasil test berikut ya:
1. Sudah bisa calculate talent match up untuk applicant
2. sudah bisa se...
- 02:16 PM Feature #342 (Developing): ASBI - CR Integrasi Applicant Profile to Talent Match Up
- 02:15 PM Feature #342 (Assigned): ASBI - CR Integrasi Applicant Profile to Talent Match Up
- 09:40 AM Feature #278 (QA Test): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi birthday
- 09:40 AM Feature #279 (QA Test): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi Pegawai Baru
- 09:39 AM Feature #280 (QA Test): [ASBI - CR ] Notifikasi masa kkontrak PKWT
- 07:27 PM Feature #342 (QA Test): ASBI - CR Integrasi Applicant Profile to Talent Match Up
Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk ditambahkan fungsi integrasi antara Applicant Profile to Talent Matc...
- 04:50 PM Feature #326 (QA Test): [ASBI - CR ] Report Employee Profile
- 04:50 PM Feature #326 (Developing): [ASBI - CR ] Report Employee Profile
- 04:50 PM Feature #326 (Assigned): [ASBI - CR ] Report Employee Profile
- 02:08 PM Feature #281: [ASBI - CR ] Report Job Info/Job Desc
- Rpt_BNIS_HR_PA_JobInfo
- Rpt_BNIS_HR_PA_JobInfo_Grouping - 02:07 PM Feature #281: [ASBI - CR ] Report Job Info/Job Desc
- design
- 09:40 AM Feature #281: [ASBI - CR ] Report Job Info/Job Desc
- langsung diskus bareng lip
- 09:41 AM Bug #321 (Deploy): Perubahan backend score pada Empoyee Profile yang masih salah membaca referensi.
- Testing ok mba yoma, trimakasih
- 04:15 PM Bug #321 (QA Test): Perubahan backend score pada Empoyee Profile yang masih salah membaca referensi.
- Fixing :
Rubah isi field 'controller_store_emp' & 'controller_store_app' di table 'hr_md_field' dengan code '0045'... - 04:11 PM Bug #321 (Developing): Perubahan backend score pada Empoyee Profile yang masih salah membaca referensi.
- 12:46 PM Feature #326 (QA Test): [ASBI - CR ] Report Employee Profile
- Dear Team Developer,
Mohon bantuannya untuk menambahkan menu baru untuk report Employee Profile, design terlampir ...
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