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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
992 BBG Bugs Feature New High Integrasi Absence Finger BBG dian perdana putra 03/21/2022 02:37 PM Actions
991 MINOVAES - PRODUCT Support QA Test Urgent [IMPORT] Update menu Import Kezia Pawitra Yulianti 07/07/2022 08:14 PM Actions
990 BBG Bugs Feature Revise Immediate MinovaES Mobile View BBG dian perdana putra 04/11/2022 11:28 AM Actions
986 PT ARITA Bug QA Test Urgent Time Management 03/21/2022 04:50 PM Actions
976 MINOVAES - PRODUCT Support Assigned High [HR-PAYROLL] Validasi saat Upload Data Payroll M Azid Wahyudi 07/31/2023 03:16 PM Actions
975 BBG Bug New Normal Medical PlafonRemain & PlafonUsed Tidak Ter update otomatis dian perdana putra 03/15/2022 06:03 PM Actions
967 MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature Assigned Immediate [ESS] Archive Approved Saswanto Tampan 03/16/2022 05:58 PM Actions
965 IMFI Bugs Support New Normal Access MinovaHR Terlock Baru Satu Kali Salah Password dian perdana putra 03/13/2022 07:38 PM Actions
964 HINO Bugs Support New Normal Ganti isi Field Payroll Grade Pada Table Staging dian perdana putra 03/13/2022 07:07 PM Actions
955 BBG Bugs Bug Revise Immediate [HR-LOAN] saat melakukan special repayment terjadi nilai amount menjadi NaN Muhammad Bintar 03/18/2022 01:52 PM Actions
947 Asuransi Bintang - Existing Bug New High Data Applicant Profile tidak ke Transfer ke Employee Profile dian perdana putra 03/08/2022 09:55 AM Actions
929 Bank Mega Syariah Existing Bug Revise High ESS PMS ERROR "Anda Sudah Mengajukan PMS Tahun 2021" dian perdana putra 03/01/2022 11:17 AM Actions
928 PT AMARTHA MIKRO FINTEK Bug Deploy Normal Ubah Tittle Nick Name menjadi Email di Personal Data ( Permintaan Pak Difi ) dian perdana putra 02/24/2022 05:56 PM Actions
927 Minova ERP Internal Bug QA Test Normal [ERP Internal] Doc Ref untuk Document Sales belum terupdate pada tabel items Maulina Hali 03/02/2022 10:47 AM Actions
921 PT ARITA Feature QA Test Urgent Dashboard 02/23/2022 04:29 PM Actions
920 Minova ERP Internal Bug QA Test Normal [ERP Internal] Report Financial Position Skontro Maulina Hali 03/02/2022 10:40 AM Actions
914 Minova ERP Internal Feature QA Test Normal [ERP Internal] Report Income Statement Maulina Hali 02/22/2022 02:31 PM Actions
876 ROHTO Support QA Test Urgent Mohon Tambahkan Kolom / Field Number of Children Pada Report Persaonal data dian perdana putra 02/11/2022 05:28 PM Actions
875 ROHTO Bug New Urgent Report Leave hanya Cuti tahunan yang tampil dian perdana putra 02/11/2022 05:27 PM Actions
873 BANK FAMA Bug Revise Urgent ERROR LOGIN User specified does not have valid License Code for Client ID :200 Mohammad Daud 08/15/2022 05:16 PM Actions
861 MINOVAES - PRODUCT Feature Assigned High [CUSTOMIZATION] Layout Parameter Saswanto Tampan 02/08/2022 03:48 PM Actions
859 BBG Bug Revise Immediate [Request ESS] Medical dan Travel via Mobile Browser Mega Yunita 10/31/2022 10:31 AM Actions
854 PT ARITA Bug QA Test Immediate Export Import Loan belum berfungsi 02/23/2022 04:53 PM Actions
851 PT ARITA Feature QA Test Urgent Attendance Recap ditambah pengurang istirahat 1 jam dan kop report 02/08/2022 03:55 PM Actions
849 Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature Developing High Pembuatan Report Rekap Competency, Rekap Job Aktif & Talent Match Up dian perdana putra 02/22/2022 02:11 PM Actions
(626-650/908) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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