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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2295 IMFI Bugs Bug Revise Immediate [ESS] fixing pengambilan cuti remaining quota untuk di posting ke MD Absence Quota pengajuan ESS cuti yang ongoing lebih dari 1. Kezia Pawitra Yulianti 10/31/2023 04:54 PM Actions
2294 PT BIA Bug QA Test High Performance Management - Performance Appraisal fernando sergio rumbayan 08/07/2023 03:41 PM Actions
2293 IMFI Bugs Bug Revise Urgent [ESS-LEAVE]Pembuatan validasi untuk diharuskan menyelesaikan ess pengajuan sebelum nya yang belum finish. Muhammad Bintar 07/26/2023 11:56 AM Actions
2290 PT BIA Bug QA Test High Performance Management - Performance Appraisal fernando sergio rumbayan 07/26/2023 10:18 AM Actions
2289 PT BIA Feature Assigned High Personal Administartion MD Approval & Payroll Administration MD Approval Tri Rizqiaty 07/21/2023 09:25 AM Actions
2288 HINO Bugs Bug QA Test Normal Perubahan pada meal allowance jika ada attendance tapi hanya ada salah satu data clock in atau clock out Tri Rizqiaty 07/17/2023 04:39 PM Actions
2287 ROHTO BUGS Bug Revise Immediate [ESS-ARCHIEVE] Fungsi Archieve tidak menampilkan data data yang ada di tabel HISBIZDATA Muhammad Bintar 10/25/2023 03:16 PM Actions
2286 KJL Bug QA Test Normal error attendance monas Fachrul Hardianto 07/14/2023 10:56 AM Actions
2283 Asuransi Bintang - Existing Feature QA Test Normal [HR-PMS] CR - Report Performance Per Unit Muhammad Bintar 07/07/2023 04:23 PM Actions
2282 MINOVA DEMO Bug Assigned High [Logistic & Service - Customer Master Data] Customer Saswanto Tampan 07/06/2023 03:02 PM Actions
2281 MINOVA DEMO Bug Assigned High [Logistic & Service - Material Master Data] Bill of Material Saswanto Tampan 07/06/2023 02:30 PM Actions
2280 MINOVA DEMO Bug Assigned High [Logistic & Service - Material Master Data] Stock Info Saswanto Tampan 07/06/2023 02:23 PM Actions
2279 ROHTO BUGS Bug Revise Immediate ESS Travel stuck di runtaskasync karena ada approval terakhir yang sudah di submit tetapi masih pending Muhammad Bintar 08/07/2023 03:46 PM Actions
2277 IMFI Bugs Bug Assigned Immediate [HR-TM To Payroll] perhitungan keterlambatan jika lintas hari menyebabkan akumulasi keterlambatan menjadi lebih besar Tri Rizqiaty 11/28/2023 02:09 PM Actions
2276 PT BIA Bug Revise Normal Qualification Detail belum autoload Moch Alinafia 05/07/2024 11:34 AM Actions
2273 IMFI Bugs Bug QA Test Urgent [ESS-LEAVE] validasi cuti untuk cuti yang kosong masih bisa ter bypass dengan cara mengisi enddate duluan lalu startdate Muhammad Bintar 06/26/2023 03:20 PM Actions
2270 MINOVA DEMO Bug QA Test High [Logistic & Service - Purchase Report] Purchase Detail - Filter Combo Document Type menampilkan lebih dari satu type Mega Yunita 06/22/2023 01:39 PM Actions
2269 MINOVA DEMO Bug QA Test High [Logistic & Service - Reporting] Process Tracking - Mapping Filter Transaction Type dengan Document Type Mega Yunita 06/22/2023 02:45 PM Actions
2267 PT BIA Bug QA Test Urgent Error Action Plan haykal haykal 06/23/2023 11:26 AM Actions
2266 PT BIA Bug QA Test Urgent Perbaikan Field-field di Employee Overview haykal haykal 06/23/2023 11:23 AM Actions
2265 PT BIA Bug QA Test High Perubahan Tarif Premi CPO fernando sergio rumbayan 06/22/2023 03:52 PM Actions
2264 PT BIA Feature QA Test High Report Payslip fernando sergio rumbayan 06/20/2023 01:43 PM Actions
2263 PT BIA Feature QA Test High Report Premi CPO fernando sergio rumbayan 06/19/2023 11:48 AM Actions
2262 PT BIA Feature QA Test High Report Premi Perawatan fernando sergio rumbayan 06/19/2023 11:44 AM Actions
2261 PT BIA Feature QA Test High Report Premi Operator Alat fernando sergio rumbayan 06/19/2023 11:55 AM Actions
(376-400/909) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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