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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
3448 TULISAN Feature QA Test Immediate Membaca Discount or Special Price dari tab Sales Info haykal haykal 02/26/2025 08:10 PM Actions
3435 KJL Feature Assigned Normal Bill Of Material (BOM) Tri Rizqiaty 02/20/2025 11:45 AM Actions
3434 KJL Feature Assigned Normal Autogenerate No. Lot Tri Rizqiaty 02/20/2025 10:42 AM Actions
3427 KJL Feature QA Test Normal Perbaikan Tampilan Combobox Finish Goods di menu-menu Production haykal haykal 02/18/2025 11:13 AM Actions
3426 TULISAN Bug Revise Normal Report Income Statement haykal haykal 02/28/2025 11:49 AM Actions
3403 MinovaEasy Feature Assigned Urgent Ingin agar ketika input angka transaksi pada modul Accounting bisa menggunakan desimal M Azid Wahyudi 02/10/2025 02:36 PM Actions
3384 TULISAN Feature Revise Immediate Kolom Formula di tabel PCMFILOFSTEMPLATECONTENT ingin dibuat berfungsi Tri Rizqiaty 02/28/2025 10:16 AM Actions
3380 ALFALAH Feature Revise Urgent Validasi Pilihan CompanyID dan Template shofwan shiddiq 02/12/2025 02:44 PM Actions
3334 KJL Bug Assigned Normal Error Saving Document Delivery Order Tri Rizqiaty 01/13/2025 11:24 AM Actions
3326 KJL Feature Assigned Urgent Report Income Statement tambahan kolom haykal haykal 01/14/2025 11:24 AM Actions
3301 KJL Feature QA Test Normal Production New Scenario With Bin (No. Lot) haykal haykal 02/14/2025 10:16 AM Actions
3299 TULISAN Bug QA Test High Error Upload Jurnal haykal haykal 02/27/2025 03:04 PM Actions
3251 Demo Preparation by Industry Bug QA Test Immediate Goods Issue To Customer Error ketika DiSave haykal haykal 12/03/2024 04:34 PM Actions
3207 KJL Feature Revise Normal Notifikasi e-mail untuk atasan (All Document) shofwan shiddiq 02/06/2025 04:14 PM Actions
3186 Demo Preparation by Industry Bug QA Test Normal Error Sales Resto Order haykal haykal 11/01/2024 05:26 PM Actions
3164 BANK KALTENG Feature QA Test High Menu Mass Approval haykal haykal 12/10/2024 12:36 PM Actions
3157 Demo Preparation by Industry Bug Assigned High Ketika Create Material Master Data Save Successfull, tapi datanya tidak muncul shofwan shiddiq 10/23/2024 10:00 AM Actions
3111 BANK KALTENG Feature Assigned Normal Report Pindah Buku [Medical] Mohammad Daud 11/12/2024 04:56 PM Actions
3109 BANK KALTENG Bug Assigned High Delete Tree di menu Training Data tidak berfungsi M Azid Wahyudi 10/11/2024 11:15 AM Actions
3105 BANK KALTENG Feature Revise Normal Tampilan UI tab Job Requirement ingin dibikin sama seperti tab Prebooking shofwan shiddiq 12/11/2024 10:21 AM Actions
3104 BANK KALTENG Bug QA Test Normal Setelah direvise Approval SDM Cabang Pembantu PICnya jadi berubah haykal haykal 12/20/2024 11:34 AM Actions
3103 BANK KALTENG Bug QA Test Normal Button Action di Medical Claim ingin di-hide haykal haykal 01/03/2025 06:08 PM Actions
3102 BANK KALTENG Bug QA Test Normal Cost Type di Approver masih terbaca Code, harusnya Description haykal haykal 12/20/2024 03:09 PM Actions
3100 BANK KALTENG Bug Deploy Normal Tab Cost Pattern di menu Training Data tidak ada button Save Muhammad Bintar 10/31/2024 03:53 PM Actions
3084 BANK KALTENG Bug Assigned Urgent Covered By Company masih salah haykal haykal 09/27/2024 09:20 AM Actions
(1-25/83) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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