


Feature #81

GENERAL] Auto Generate User ID after Hiring

Added by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti about 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

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Dear All,
mohon untuk dapat dibuatkan fungsi baru untuk men generate user id ke dalam User Management sesuai ketentuan sbb:
1. user id otomatis ter generate sesuai format standar yaitu employee id (pls cek fungsi generate user management yg sudah ada)
2. Proses generate terjadi saat proses employee movement selesai dilakukan pada proses saving terakhir (employee movement hiring dan transfer to employee)
3. data email pada PHRPA0012 dgn kode yg di set akan otomatis ke save pada tabel SUSERGENERALDATA di kolom Email
4. Tolong dibuatkan Gen Param untuk kebutuhan fungsi generate user id from hiring
AUTOGENUSERFROMHIRING = Yes/No => Jika Yes maka auto generate, Jika No maka fungsi auto generate tidak perlu dijalankan
MAILCOMMFROMHIRING = 0004 => kode komunikasi data yg akan di lempar ke dalam kolom email di SUSERGENERALDATA

Kalau ada yg kurang jelas, silahkan di diskusikan kembali


genparuser.PNG (18.6 KB) genparuser.PNG Anonymous, 12/07/2020 03:06 PM
suser.PNG (46.2 KB) suser.PNG tabelsuser Anonymous, 02/18/2021 10:47 AM
susergeneral.PNG (27.8 KB) susergeneral.PNG tabelsusergeneral Anonymous, 02/18/2021 10:47 AM

Updated by Heriyas Nafward about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee changed from Heriyas Nafward to Tri Rizqiaty

Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti about 4 years ago

Dear Yomma,
berikut bbrp GenParam yg akan dibuat untuk kebutuhan Auto Generate User ID after Hiring
1. Role --> GENROLE : WFREQ
2. Profile --> GENPROFILE : ADMIN
3. Password --> GENPASSWORD : minovais12345
4. User Type --> GENUSERTYP : ESS
5. Auth Type --> GENAUTHTYP : 4



Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

  • File genparuser.PNG added

Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

  • File deleted (genparuser.PNG)

Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

dear Mba yomma,

berikut list genparamnya sesuai redmine diatas,

please jika ada yg kurang jelas,


Updated by Tri Rizqiaty about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Developing

Updated by Tri Rizqiaty about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Developing to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Kezia Pawitra Yulianti

Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from QA Test to Revise

Dear mba Yoma,


untuk Generate User dengan AuthType pada table SUSER = 4, GENERATEUAUTHTYP

dan untuk poin 3. data email pada PHRPA0012 dgn kode CommunicationType = 0004 akan otomatis ke save pada tabel SUSERGENERALDATA di kolom Email


Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti about 4 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Kezia Pawitra Yulianti to Tri Rizqiaty

for revise ya Yoms sesuai catatan Ilfan



Updated by Tri Rizqiaty about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from QA Test to Deploy
  • Assignee changed from Anonymous to Kezia Pawitra Yulianti

Done mba Yoma,

untuk Hiring Employee dan Transfer Employee


Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Kezia Pawitra Yulianti to Tri Rizqiaty

Dear tim dev,

please help tuk deploynya ya,


Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Deploy to Assigned

Dear Mba Yomma,

Mohon Helpnya untuk Re-Deploy untuk Generate User after Hiring (modul Recruitment/Employee Hiring) saat Communication Type '0004' diinput..

Useracc yang dapat dipakai Emp 00000001 password K3lapaMuda#77

setelah di Test, User sudah tergenerate namun ada slight issue untuk detail..

  1. pada tabel SUSER field AuthType dibuat generate value 4 sesuai #2 no 5, field Active generate value 1 , dan LangId generate Value EN (HardCode)
  2. masih tabel yang sama field User level GENEPARAM , GENERATEULEVEL = ESS
  3. pada tabel SUSERGENERAL data email pada PHRPA0012 dgn commtype 0004 masih belum terlempar ke field Email(Dev sudah), dan sedikit tambahan untuk Field Notes pada tabel SUSERGENERAL untuk generate value "Generate User ID yyyy(tahun berjalan)"

please jika ada yang ditanyakan


Updated by Tri Rizqiaty about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Developing

Updated by Tri Rizqiaty about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Developing to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

Ilfan, tolong test lg ya... thanks..


Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

Dear Mba Yomma,

Email Sudah Terlempar, Sligh issue sedikit ya,

1. Untuk ditabel SUSER sesuai #13 field Active generate value 1 dan field UserLevel generate value ESS sesuai GenParam : GENERATEULEVEL (Pic Terlampir)

2. Untuk ditabel GUSERGENERAL sesuai #13 field Notes generate value Generate User ID yyyy(tahun berjalan) (Pic Terlampir)

kindly ask, thank you


Updated by Tri Rizqiaty about 4 years ago

Ilfan, coba tolong test lg ya..


Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from QA Test to Closed

Dear Mba Yomma,

So Far so Good,

Case Closed till found another case..

thank you~


Updated by Anonymous almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Assigned
  • Assignee changed from Anonymous to Tri Rizqiaty
  • Priority changed from High to Urgent

Dear Mba Yomma,,

Punten Helpnya,

untuk check ketika Hiring EMployee dan mengisi CommType 0004 pada Wizard, User tidak tergenerate, sebelumnya sudah ditest generate(data sudah dihapus)

berikut Employee Hiring, input CommType 0004 pada WIzard

  1. 00000841
  2. 00000842
  3. 00000844
  4. 00000845
  5. 00000847
  6. 00000848 << ini lewat Wiz, namun belum tergenerate saat input Comm Type(setelah Comm dimasterdata di hapus dan re Reinput baru tergenerate)
  7. 00000849

untuk skenario menambah commtype pada Masterdata, user tergenerate,

user login dapat menggunakan dgn pass Langit_Biru1011


Updated by Tri Rizqiaty almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

Cobain lg, itu karena employeenya belum punya PA0001, karena di table USERGENERAL, field Name ga boleh NULL.


Updated by Anonymous almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from QA Test to Revise
  • Assignee changed from Anonymous to Tri Rizqiaty

Dear Mba yoma,

Mba Yomma User masih belum tergenerate untuk EmplyeeID 00000842, melalui Wizard

PA01,PA02,PA03 sudah terisi semenjak di Wizard masterdata awal,

apa ada kurang yang lain..hmm


Updated by Tri Rizqiaty almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to QA Test

Tolong test lg ya


Updated by Tri Rizqiaty almost 4 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

tolong test lg ya..


Updated by Anonymous almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from QA Test to Revise

belum mba yomma, untuk yang generate by wizard saat input comtype 0004 PHRPA0012


permisi ada tambahan, mohon bantuaanya untuk penambahan fitur generate jika pengisian masterdata PHRPA0012 melalui fitur IMPORT Data saat pertama kali type 0004 diinput


Updated by Saswanto Tampan almost 4 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Anonymous to Ade Sofiarani

Updated by Saswanto Tampan almost 4 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Ade Sofiarani to Tri Rizqiaty

Updated by Anonymous almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to Closed

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