Feature #669
[ PMS ] - Report Custom PMS
Added by ericsson ericsson almost 3 years ago.
Updated almost 3 years ago.
Dear, Developer.
Mohon Bantuannya untuk dibuatkan report custome untuk report berikut ini:
1. Report Performance Individual, ReportID=9000016 (ES) Refers to Menu Report performance individu (Existing) (ReportID Existing=9000016) (Report Param Program= Rpt_PMS_Form_GS)
2. Report Performance Per Unit, ReportID=9000019 (ES) Refers to menu report Performance Monitoring (Existing) (ReportID Existing=9000019) (Report Param Program= Rpt_BMS_PMS_Monitoring)
Link : http://remote.minovais.com:31134
DB : DATABASE : 77 -> 1438 (db), BankMegaSyariah_Dev
DB : DATABASE EXISITING : 77 -> 1438 (DB) , MinovaHR_ESS_Mega_Syariah_Production
User : Azid
Pass : 123Aa
TerimaKasih Aziddd
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
- Assignee changed from M Azid Wahyudi to fernando sergio rumbayan
1. Report Performance Individual, ReportID=9000016 (ES) Refers to Menu Report performance individu (Existing) (ReportID Existing=9000016) (Report Param Program= Rpt_PMS_Form_GS)
2. Report Performance Per Unit, ReportID=9000019 (ES) Refers to menu report Performance Monitoring (Existing) (ReportID Existing=9000019) (Report Param Program= Rpt_BMS_PMS_Monitoring)
untuk report no 1 udah bisa di cek kalau masih error selectionnya di samain
untuk report no 2 tidak ada rdlnya di existing
makasih sergioo
- Due date set to 12/28/2021
- Status changed from QA Test to Developing
- Assignee changed from fernando sergio rumbayan to M Azid Wahyudi
Dear azid,
Report PMS - Individu
1. Selection Sudah di buat tapi masih eror tolong mas azid di cek kembali
- Status changed from Developing to QA Test
- Assignee changed from M Azid Wahyudi to fernando sergio rumbayan
- Status changed from QA Test to Closed
- Assignee changed from fernando sergio rumbayan to M Azid Wahyudi
- Priority changed from Immediate to Normal
Dear Aziddd,
Mantebbb Terima kasihhh mas azid
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