Feature #541
[DataSet] - Applicant Data
Dear Tim developer.
Mohon bantuannya untuk mengisi dataset PHRPAAPPLICANTDATA
sesuai dengan field terlampir.
port : 61122
server : 77 || 2014
database : MinovaES_RSM_Prod
Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti over 3 years ago
- Due date set to 11/26/2021
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Updated by M Azid Wahyudi about 3 years ago
- Assignee changed from M Azid Wahyudi to ericsson ericsson
mang erik ,
field di bawah ini ga ada di table RC mang
- Division
- EmployeeStatus
- EmployeeSubType
- EmployeeType
- MovementReason
- MovementType
- PayrollGroup
- PointOfHire
- SuratKerja
- SuratPerintahKerja
- TaxOffice
- TierCode
- WorkLocation
- IDCard
- LastEducation
makasih mang erik
Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti about 3 years ago
- Due date changed from 11/26/2021 to 12/07/2021
- Priority changed from High to Immediate
Dear Erik,
sepertinya untuk dataset applicant perlu bbrp field yg ditambahkan di modul recruitment nya dulu deh. untuk bbrp field yg di atas tidak semuanya diperlukan. berikut ya detailnya:
- Division - ok, perlu ditambahkan di PHRRC0002
- EmployeeStatus - ApplicantStatus
- EmployeeSubType - ApplicantSubType
- EmployeeType - ApplicantType
- LOB - ok, perlu ditambahkan di PHRRC0002
- MovementReason - take out
- MovementType - take out
- PayrollGroup - take out
- PointOfHire - take out
- SuratKerja - take out
- SuratPerintahKerja - take out
- TaxOffice - take out
- TierCode - take out
- WorkLocation - take out
- IDCard - take out
- LastEducation
- LastActivity di PHRRC0027
- ActivityStatus di PHRRC0027
Demikian, tks