Bug #483
travel cost pada ess travel untuk cost center tidak bisa autoload
dear tim developer mohon support nya untuk perbaikan pada ess travel dimana pada saat melakukan pengisian travel cost bisa autoload untuk cost center nya.
mengambil data cost center dari assignment.
Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee changed from Kezia Pawitra Yulianti to Mr. Yusuf
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Pak Ucup,
tolong untuk di assign yaa ke tim developer
Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti over 3 years ago
- Due date changed from 10/18/2021 to 11/03/2021
- Assignee changed from Mr. Yusuf to M Azid Wahyudi
- Priority changed from High to Immediate
Dear Azid,
minta tolong yaa untuk dapat di fixing sesuai dgn informasi dr BIntar
Updated by M Azid Wahyudi over 3 years ago
- File auto_Load_Cost_Center.txt auto_Load_Cost_Center.txt added
- Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
- Assignee changed from M Azid Wahyudi to Muhammad Bintar
=> penambahan CostCenter di field OnInitExtensions di ID = PDSWFTRAVELCOSTCostCostType :
=> penambahan function di field OnMethodExtensions:
function CostCenter(){var body=MinovaUtil.WORKFLOW.getViewBodyWorkflow();var StartDate=body.down('[name=HeaderStartDate]').getValue();var empId=MinovaUtil.WORKFLOW.getEmpId();MinovaUtil.ExecuteParamQuery({ID:"TRAVELGETCOSTCENTER",empId:empId,stDate:StartDate},function(s){var result=Ext.decode(s.responseText);var dt=Ext.decode(Ext.decode(result.data));Ext.ComponentQuery.query('[id=PDSWFTRAVELCOSTCostCostCenter]')[0].setValue(dt0.CostCenter);},function(f){});}
=> tambah Data di table [dbo].[PCMWFCUSTPARAM] :
Value :
SELECT EmployeeID,StartDate,CostCenter FROM PHRPA0002 WHERE EmployeeID=@empId AND StartDate<=@stDate AND EndDate>=@stDate
CommandType : sqlstring
Updated by Muhammad Bintar over 2 years ago
- Status changed from QA Test to Closed
- Assignee changed from Muhammad Bintar to M Azid Wahyudi