Bug #399
Lenght Amount Loan
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Dear Team Developer
Minta tolong untuk AMOUNT LOAN agar bisa dimasukan lebih dari 10 digit. Karena yang sekarang hanya mentok jika dimasukan 10 digit.
Updated by Tri Rizqiaty almost 4 years ago
- File MinovaIS.MinovaERP.Product.Core.DataComponent.dll MinovaIS.MinovaERP.Product.Core.DataComponent.dll added
- File IMFI.MinovaERP.Extended.HR.Loan.dll IMFI.MinovaERP.Extended.HR.Loan.dll added
- File IMFI.MinovaERP.Extended.HR.Web.Loan.Plugin.dll IMFI.MinovaERP.Extended.HR.Web.Loan.Plugin.dll added
- File MinovaIS.MinovaERP.Product.Core.DataComponent.pdb MinovaIS.MinovaERP.Product.Core.DataComponent.pdb added
- File fn_spec_0032.js fn_spec_0032.js added
- File base_sys_controller_registered_HR_LOAN_IMFI.xlsx base_sys_controller_registered_HR_LOAN_IMFI.xlsx added
- Status changed from Developing to Assigned
- Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
Fixing :
Penambahan dicontroller registered : HR_LOAN_IMFI, sesuai file excel terlampir
Extension library : IMFI.MinovaERP.Extended.HR.Loan.dll & IMFI.MinovaERP.Extended.HR.Web.Loan.Plugin.dll
Bin : MinovaIS.MinovaERP.Product.Core.DataComponent.dll
Di UI Development Workbench : HR_APP - fn_spec_0032 rubah sesuai code terlampir
Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti over 3 years ago
- Status changed from QA Test to Deploy
- Assignee changed from Kezia Pawitra Yulianti to Tri Rizqiaty