Bug #364
Modul Payroll - Report Payroll Run Status Detail
Added by Miss Yana almost 4 years ago.
Updated about 3 years ago.
Dear team developer,
Mohon untuk dilakukan perubahan logo LPPOM menjadi logo company Minovais, berikut hasil testing nya

Terima kasih
- Tracker changed from Support to Bug
- Assignee changed from Saswanto Tampan to ericsson ericsson
- Priority changed from High to Urgent
Mohon di lengkapi reportid dan rdlname untuk semua report
Berikut List ReportID dan RdlNamenya.
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee changed from Saswanto Tampan to M Azid Wahyudi
- Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
- Assignee changed from M Azid Wahyudi to Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
setelah di cek untuk issue ini sudah di kerjakan
makasih mba
- Status changed from QA Test to Deploy
- Assignee changed from Kezia Pawitra Yulianti to M Azid Wahyudi
- Status changed from Deploy to Closed
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