Bug #3051
Recruitment Report [ Applicant Selection Report ]
dear mas shofwan,
ingin minta bantuannya untuk mengganti beberapa tampilan di report recruitment
1. ingin disesuaikan untuk font size dan jenis font
2. untuk body
3. Vacancy Title ingin rata kiri.
4. GPA rata tengah. dan yang diambil 2 digit dibelakang koma aja
5. saat download exel periode nya tidak rata
terima kasih
Port: http://remote.minovais.com:61115/
Server: remote.minovais.com,1452
DB: MinovaES_Pertalife_Prod
menu: hr - recruitment management - recruitment report - applicant selection report
Updated by shofwan shiddiq 6 months ago
- File clipboard-202409091550-hoe7o.png clipboard-202409091550-hoe7o.png added
- Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
- Assignee changed from shofwan shiddiq to Regina Tasya
Dear Tasya, sudah di update yah.
Updated by Regina Tasya 6 months ago
- Status changed from QA Test to Deploy
- Assignee changed from Regina Tasya to shofwan shiddiq
kak minta tolong untuk dideploy di prod dan dev nya pertalife yang disana ya makasih
Updated by shofwan shiddiq 5 months ago
- Status changed from Deploy to QA Test
- Assignee changed from shofwan shiddiq to Regina Tasya
Sudah di deploy yah