Bug #3046
Dashboard Widget Sales
Dear Mas Shofwan,
Ingin dibuatkan dashboard widget untuk sales
Berikut designnya:
untuk widget diatas
1. Monthly Sales
Sales Monthly (Sales amount current month) untuk sales doctype sord yang statusnya active
2. Yearly Sales
Sales Yearly (Sales amount current year)untuk sales doctype sord yang statusnya active
3. Quotation
amount pada sales doctype squo yang statusnya submit (yearly)
4.Total SO
total document SORD yang statusnya active (yearly)
untuk yang dibawah (detail)
1. Top 5 Product Sales
5 product yang quantitynya terbanyak dilakukan sales order dengan status active
2. Top 5 Customer
5 customer yang paling sering melakukan SORD
Terima kasih
port: https://demo-industry.minovais.com/Account/Login
server: 89
db: demo_industry
Updated by jihad .... 7 months ago
Tambahan mas Shofwan,
untuk yang top 5/ widget detail ingin jika di klik akan ke report terkait ya mas
Updated by shofwan shiddiq 7 months ago
- File clipboard-202409041554-msaeb.png clipboard-202409041554-msaeb.png added
- Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
- Assignee changed from shofwan shiddiq to jihad ....
Dear Jihad, widget2 sudah di deploy yah.
1. Widget_Sales
2. Widget_ProductSales
3. Widget_ProductSales_Count
4. Widget_TopCustomer
5. Widget_TopCustomer_Count
Silahkan di testing.
Updated by jihad .... 7 months ago
- Tracker changed from Feature to Bug
- Status changed from QA Test to Assigned
- Assignee changed from jihad .... to shofwan shiddiq
Mas Shofwan,
Di yang top 5 product sales dan top 5 customer ingin bulannya auto di bulan yang sedang berjalan ya mas minta tolong settingin.
Terima kasih
Updated by shofwan shiddiq 6 months ago
- File clipboard-202409121700-kbdc4.png clipboard-202409121700-kbdc4.png added
- Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
- Assignee changed from shofwan shiddiq to jihad ....
Sudah di buat jadi current month ya