Bug #2957
[HR-ESS Address] ess address tidak memposting data alamat jika ess address hanya mengedit data dari history sebelum nya.
Added by Muhammad Bintar 7 months ago.
Updated 7 months ago.
Dear tim developer mohon support nya untuk perbaikan pada ess address dimana jika melakukan edit data address pada history sebelum nya,
maka data address tersebut tidak terposting ke master data address.

bank kalteng dev
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee changed from Kezia Pawitra Yulianti to M Azid Wahyudi
- Priority changed from Normal to High
update :
ada fungsi process type dengan value U

kalau diisi dengan NULL maka data bisa posting.
- Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
- Assignee changed from M Azid Wahyudi to Kezia Pawitra Yulianti
dear masbin , udah bisa di test ya
package :
bizproc (afterrender)
- Status changed from QA Test to Closed
- Assignee changed from Kezia Pawitra Yulianti to M Azid Wahyudi
okeh sudah di deploy ke production
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