Bug #2921
Create Ref di menu Logistic
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Dear Mba Yomaa,
ingin minta bantuannya untuk solve problem pada button create ref dimenu logistic, saat ini jika klik button create ref masih tidak berfungsi.
terutama di menu Purchase order.
doc no : 00000053 PTRPURCHITEM
reg id : 201557
bizflow :ESS_ATK
Terima Kasih
Port: http://remote.minovais.com:61115/
Server: remote.minovais.com,1452
DB: MinovaES_Pertalife_Prod
Updated by Tri Rizqiaty 7 months ago
- File Deploy 20240806 DocRef.rar Deploy 20240806 DocRef.rar added
- Status changed from Assigned to Developing
Fixing sesuai file terlampir
Updated by Tri Rizqiaty 7 months ago
- Status changed from Developing to QA Test
- Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Regina Tasya