Feature #28
ESS Education - Fungsi auto readonly
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Dear tim dev,
mohon dibantu pembuatan autofill field pada master data education seperti di menu admin, sbb:
1. jika education type yg dipilih adalah "formal" maka field training name dan certified akan auto read only
2. jika educatiion type yg dipilih dalah "informal" maka field Last education, Education level & major akan auto readonly.
Updated by Aden Baihaqi over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Developing to QA Test
- Assignee changed from Alip Sudin to Aden Baihaqi
Updated by Aden Baihaqi over 4 years ago
- Status changed from QA Test to Deploy
- Assignee changed from Aden Baihaqi to Alip Sudin