Bug #2714
pembuatan fungsi untuk generate personal working schedule cross WS / multi WS dalam 1 tahun
Start date:
Due date:
05/06/2024 (about 11 months late)
% Done:
Estimated time:
Spent time:
dear tim developer mohon supportnya untuk pembuatan fungsi generate PWS dimana dalam 1 tahun terdapat cross WS / multi WS lebih dari 1.
remote.minovais.com, 1458
Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti 11 months ago
- Due date changed from 04/30/2024 to 05/06/2024
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Updated by M Azid Wahyudi 7 months ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Revise
- Assignee changed from M Azid Wahyudi to Muhammad Bintar
dear masbin , ini redmine jadinya gimana ya kan hino udah ga memperpanjang