Feature #2683
pembuatan query untuk generate personal working schedule
dear tim developer mohon support nya untuk pembuatan query untuk generate personal working schedule.
ini contoh dari asuransi bintang
DECLARE @toinsertmd125 TABLE
[landscape] VARCHAR
,[emp_id] VARCHAR
,[start_date] VARCHAR
,[end_date] VARCHAR
,[day_type] VARCHAR
,[ph_id] VARCHAR
,[user_change] VARCHAR
,[last_change] VARCHAR
,[created_by] VARCHAR
,[created_date] VARCHAR
insert into @toinsertmd125
select md25.landscape, md25.emp_id, cal.datespecified, cal.datespecified,cal.day_type,cal.ph_id, 'system' , FORMAT,'yyyyMMddHHmmss'), 'system',FORMAT,'yyyyMMddHHmmss') from hr_md_emp_md0025 md25
left join hr_tm_workschedule_calender cal on md25.ws_type = cal.workschedule_type
and cal.year= '2024'
where md25.ws_type = 'OVT' and md25.start_date = '20240101'
--SELECT * FROM @toinsertmd125
INSERT INTO dbo.hr_md_emp_md0125
SELECT DISTINCT landscape,[emp_id],[start_date],[end_date],[day_type],[ph_id],[user_change],[last_change],[created_by],[created_date] FROM @toinsertmd125
database sql server
remote.minovais.com, 1445