Bug #2515
[GENERATE USER] generate user tidak berjalan pada saat execute
Start date:
Due date:
01/24/2024 (about 12 months late)
% Done:
Estimated time:
Spent time:
dear tim developer mohon support nya untuk perbaikan pada menu generate user dimana pada saat memilih employee, dan di execute tidak ada respon dan result nya.
database sql server 2014
remote.minovais.com, 1442
username captain
Related issues
Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti 12 months ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Updated by shofwan shiddiq 12 months ago
- File clipboard-202401301019-ij3h3.png clipboard-202401301019-ij3h3.png added
- Assignee changed from shofwan shiddiq to Muhammad Bintar
Dear Mas Bintar, Generate user sudah bisa. silahkan di testing.
update dll = MinovaIS.MinovaES.Business.Core.dll
deploy di API1 & API2