


Feature #238

[Phase 1] - TM to PY - Overtime & Insentif

Added by Anonymous about 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
04/27/2021 (over 3 years late)
% Done:


Estimated time:


Dear Dev, mba Yoma

Mohon dibuatkan fungsi TM to PY untuk variant berikut:
1. Overtime
Perhitungan Overtime, fungsi disamakan seperti yang sudah didevelop di BBG.

2. Insentif
File design ada pada Attachment.



BWS-Redmine TM to PY-Insentif_rev2.xlsx (24.5 KB) BWS-Redmine TM to PY-Insentif_rev2.xlsx Anonymous, 03/23/2021 08:10 PM
clipboard-202104211329-j2tuy.png (20.5 KB) clipboard-202104211329-j2tuy.png Kezia Pawitra Yulianti, 04/21/2021 01:29 PM
clipboard-202104211330-cnags.png (16 KB) clipboard-202104211330-cnags.png Kezia Pawitra Yulianti, 04/21/2021 01:30 PM
clipboard-202104211333-epgzh.png (14.3 KB) clipboard-202104211333-epgzh.png Kezia Pawitra Yulianti, 04/21/2021 01:33 PM
clipboard-202104271346-5g4te.png (89.2 KB) clipboard-202104271346-5g4te.png Kezia Pawitra Yulianti, 04/27/2021 01:46 PM
clipboard-202104271455-xjnod.png (23.2 KB) clipboard-202104271455-xjnod.png Kezia Pawitra Yulianti, 04/27/2021 02:55 PM
clipboard-202104271455-kfr6k.png (16.4 KB) clipboard-202104271455-kfr6k.png Kezia Pawitra Yulianti, 04/27/2021 02:55 PM

Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature

Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti about 4 years ago

  • Due date set to 03/23/2021
  • Priority changed from Normal to High

Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

  • File BWS-Redmine TM to PY-Insentif.xlsx added

File terlampir


Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

Dear mba yoma

Berikut design terupdate ada pada attachment.


Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

  • File deleted (BWS-Redmine TM to PY-Insentif.xlsx)

Updated by Tri Rizqiaty almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Developing

Updated by Tri Rizqiaty almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Developing to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

Fixing :

1. Update dll : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Implementation.BWS.Business.TMToPYVar1
2. Add SP : CBWSTMTOPYIntensif

Notes : Ada beberapa employee yang tidak mempunyai ws type


Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti almost 4 years ago

Dear Yomma,
berikut hasil testing nya

1. Untuk Variant Overtime yg terhitung sbb:

Padahal data overtime yg ada di master data adalah sbb:

2. Seharusnya yg terhitung menggunakan variant overtime adalah 3 jam, dan yg pakai variant insentif ada 2 yaitu 5,5 jam dan 3,25 jam
namun seperti nya itu salah masuk ke dalam figur2 nya deh, karena semua masuk ke dalam variant overtime, sedangkan yg variant insentif malah kosong/tidak terhitung
150% = 3
200% = 8,75

Mohon untuk bs d cek kembali



Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti almost 4 years ago

Dear Yomma,
gw udah coba lagi, cm masih belum bs save to payroll.
Employee 06132044, data bulan april dgn payroll date 21 mei 2021

Mohon di cek lg yaa


Updated by Tri Rizqiaty almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Kezia Pawitra Yulianti

Fixing :

1. UI : tmtopy.jd, untuk validasi
2. API2 : MinovaIS.MinovaES.Business.TM.dll & MinovaIS.MinovaES.Implementation.TMToPY.Validation.dll

Tolong test ya mba..


Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti almost 4 years ago

Dear Yomma,
hasil test nya sbb ya:
1. Untuk variant overtime sudah sesuai dan sudah bisa saving to payroll
2. Untuk variant insentif, hitungan tm to py nya sudah sesuai namun saat saving to payroll nya belum berhasil (belum ada data yg masuk dgn wt insentif) gw coba payroll datenya tgl 24 mei 2021 dan belum ada yg masuk untuk wt OT03 dan OT04

Mohon perbaikannya ya



Updated by Tri Rizqiaty almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Kezia Pawitra Yulianti

Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from QA Test to Revise
  • Assignee changed from Kezia Pawitra Yulianti to Tri Rizqiaty

Dear Yomma,
wt sudah ke save ke payroll untuk updah dan insentif.
Namun saat di running tidak ada yg ter calculate di engine payroll nya

yg terbaca tarif nya di payroll result kok malah wt OT05 dan OT06
sedangkan untuk wt OT03 dan OT04 nya blank sama sekali

Employee 06132044
Bulan Mei 2021

MInta tolong di cek ya



Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to Deploy

done yaa

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