Bug #2332
Create Ref Sales Management
Dear Mba yomaaa,
Mba yomm tolong untuk sales inquary dan sales quotation dan sales order create Ref/document ref masih belom bisa di simpan mbaa..
untuk alur yang di simpan document salesnya sebagai berikut :
Sales Inquary = Draft -> baru masuk ke doc ref Sales Quotation
Sales Quotation = Sumbit -> baru masuk ke doc ref Sales Order
Sales Order = Done -> Baru Masuk ke doc ref Goods Issue to Customer
Selanjutnya ini doc type nya :
SINQ = Sales Inquiry
SQUO = Sales Quotation
SORD = Sales Order
Filter Setiap doc type berbeda dengan tipe Doc statusnya :
Sales Inquiry = Draft , Cancel , Submit
Sales Quotation = Draft , Submit , Hold , Cancel
Sales Order = Draft , Process , Done , Cancel
PORT : https://remote.minovais.com:61124/
Servername : remote.minovais.com,1442
DATABASE : MinovaES_Demo
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Updated by Kezia Pawitra Yulianti about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
- Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to jihad ....