Feature #228
[Phase 2] PMS - Review 6 - Form Auto Load
Dear Dev
Review 6
1. Get List Appraiser
Load data dari table PHRPA0047 , field Appraisal Type 'G', field Start Date 4 digit dri depan untuk cek thn sesuai dg period untuk mndpatkan Sequence, di cocokan dg table 48 field "Header Sequence" memiliki Value yg sama maka ambil semua data Appraiser ID nya.
2. Get KPI
a. Membaca ke table PHRPA0047, Cek periode penilaian melalui Start Date 4 digit awal (thn), kemudian ambil value di field Sequence.
b. Value field Sequence di PHRPA0047 di cocokan dg Header Sequence di table PHRPA0049 , tarik data semua KPI yg memiliki Value Sama di Header Sequence.
3. Get Responsible (KPI yg Nembel ke Job)
a. cek id KPI yg nempel di Job employee yaitu di PA002 yg sedang Aktif
b. Cek id tsb ke KPI Object Details (PHROM0025) ambil data pd fieldName Responsible & Weight pada form ESS.
Updated by Nana Supiana about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to User Test
- Assignee changed from Nana Supiana to Anonymous
Dear Mba Iis,
Untuk point 1 & 2 pastikan di PHRPA0047 sudah ada period sesuai dengan appraisal period yg dipilih, appraisal typenya "G" dan EmployeeID nya requester untuk mendapatkan sequennya.
Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago
- Status changed from User Test to Assigned
- Assignee changed from Anonymous to Nana Supiana
Dear Nana
Untuk yg Header Get data:
1. List Appraiser: ok
2. KPI: ok
3. Additional Task: copy fungsi nya dri BIZPROC FINAL.
Updated by Nana Supiana about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Developing to User Test
- Assignee changed from Nana Supiana to Anonymous
Updated by Anonymous almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from User Test to Deploy
- Assignee changed from Anonymous to Nana Supiana