Feature #2260
Report Premi Hinodumptruck
Dear Sofwan,
Sof Tolong untuk Report Premi Hinodumptruck per employee & Premi Hinodumptruck Recap di tambahkan Totalnyaa..
EmployeeID = 17090596
Terima Kasih
Updated by shofwan shiddiq almost 2 years ago
- File clipboard-202306191200-51vgp.png clipboard-202306191200-51vgp.png added
- File clipboard-202306191201-dufon.png clipboard-202306191201-dufon.png added
- Status changed from New to QA Test
- Assignee changed from shofwan shiddiq to fernando sergio rumbayan
Dear Nando, Filter Division Code dan Total PREMI sudah di tambahkan, silahkan di testing. Terima Kasih.