Bug #2179
Report Time Management - Time Report - Attendance Recap
Dear Softwan,
Sof tolong attandance recap jadi tidak nampil atau eror , ada penambahan parameter EmployeeStatus
Terima Kasih
PORT : http://hris-bia.minovaiscloud.com:31137/Page/reports?73iD86hpxB+tGxdWRVGtwi2WoLJeT4Sj
Updated by shofwan shiddiq almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
- Assignee changed from shofwan shiddiq to fernando sergio rumbayan
Dear Nando, report attendance sudah di fixed
1. Hapus kolom No,create by & change by
2. Tambah Parameter Employee Status
3. Bug Period.
Time start & Time end yg kosong sesuai sama table PHRPA00019