Bug #2178
[E-Recruitment] Form personal data
Dear Shofwan,
Mohon bantuannya untuk mengecek field "Picture" karena pada saat mengupload foto dan ketika di submit malah jadi error.
TableName: PHRRC0001
Port: http://bws.minovaiscloud.com:31228/
DB: MinovaES_BWS_DevProd
Updated by shofwan shiddiq almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
- Assignee changed from shofwan shiddiq to Johanes Christian Kurni
- Start date changed from 05/23/2023 to 05/22/2023
Dear Jo, upload picture sudah bisa.
Perubahan: SDATATABLEFIELD Table =PHRRC0001, FieldName = Picture di samain sama di Port Demo Erec.