


Feature #160

[Phase 1] TM TO PY - Variant Pesangon

Added by Anonymous over 3 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Dear Dev

Mohon dibuatkan Variant Pesangon,
Design ada pada Attachment.



BWS - TM TO PY - Pesangon.xlsx (12 KB) BWS - TM TO PY - Pesangon.xlsx Anonymous, 01/26/2021 05:10 PM
clipboard-202104011519-aw3mv.png (69.4 KB) clipboard-202104011519-aw3mv.png Anonymous, 04/01/2021 03:19 PM
clipboard-202104201140-dio7y.png (133 KB) clipboard-202104201140-dio7y.png Anonymous, 04/20/2021 11:40 AM

Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned

Updated by Saswanto Tampan over 3 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Saswanto Tampan to Tri Rizqiaty

Updated by Tri Rizqiaty over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Developing

Updated by Tri Rizqiaty over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Developing to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from QA Test to Revise
  • Assignee changed from Anonymous to Tri Rizqiaty

Dear mba yoma

Ada perubahan kondisi untuk menghitung masa kerja nya, dimana melihat ke PA0002 dengan start date yg paling minim dg emp mov type apapun.



Updated by Tri Rizqiaty over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from QA Test to Revise
  • Assignee changed from Anonymous to Tri Rizqiaty

Dear mba Yoma

Ada perubahan mba,, untuk Hiring Date melihat ke PHRPA0015 field Hiring Date


Updated by Tri Rizqiaty over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago

Dear mba yoma

Secara perhitungan persangon sudah sesuai.

Tetapi sepertinya filter employee belum dpt berfungsi mba, karena jika filter dg melakukan perhitungan 1 employee sudah betul.
Jika running tanpa memilih employee, yg artinya ingin merunning All, saat ini blm berfungsi mba.

Message sudah sukses, tpi hasil running tdk ada spt screen capture berikut:



Updated by Tri Rizqiaty over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from QA Test to Revise
  • Assignee changed from Anonymous to Tri Rizqiaty

Dear mba yoma

1. Filter employee id from-to belum berjalan
2. Figure C_MasaKerja:
a. cek PHRPA0002, Start Date: sesuai di range filter TMTOPY (Start Date-End Date), Field MoveType code 17 (Termination), EmployeeStatus code 03 (Resign)
b. Hitung Masa Kerja di table PHRPA0039, Start Date masuk ke range filter TM TO PY, DateType code 0010 (Pesangon Date), ambil info di field Start Date dg today untuk mengitung masa kerja.



Updated by Tri Rizqiaty over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

Test lg ya is,

Fixing : merubah SP CBWSTMTOPYNumberPesangon, CBWSTMTOPYYearOFService


Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago

Dear mba yoma

1. Secara perhitungan sudah sesuai mba.
2. Untuk filter EmployeeStatus nya blm memfilter mba, dmna filter emp resign, emp yg masih active muncul juga, spt ss berikut:
mohon perbaikannya ya mba,,



Updated by Tri Rizqiaty over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from QA Test to Revise
  • Assignee changed from Anonymous to Tri Rizqiaty

Dear mba yoma

sesuai diskusi bhwa filter employee status dg yg aktif jdi tdk bisa execute, seharusnya ttp bisa walaupun hasil data tdk tercalculate.

untuk filter emp resign sudah oke mba.



Updated by Tri Rizqiaty over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Revise to QA Test
  • Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Anonymous

Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from QA Test to Deploy
  • Assignee changed from Anonymous to Tri Rizqiaty

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