Bug #1416
[Sales Order] Field Total Amount tercalculate otomatis
Added by Maulina Hali over 2 years ago.
Updated over 2 years ago.
Dear Mbak Yomma,
Mohon bantuanyaa untuk melakukan pengecekan dan perbaikan atas case dimana pada menu sales order untuk field total amount pada item tercalculate secara otomatis, saat tax type nya telah di default value untuk type 'inculude' '1'.
Demikian yang dapat saya sampaikan, mohon dibantu yaaa.
Terimakasih hihihi
Detail Info
Menu : Logistic & Service - Sales Management - Sales Order
Port : 51110
DB Name : MinovaES_ERP_2021
SQL Server :
- Status changed from New to Assigned
field total amount menjadi auto calculate sesuai tax type yg sudah d default 1
Update Fixing :
1. UI-app-controller-filo : document.js (file terlampir)
2. Update SDATATABLEFIELD - FieldName : PriceAmount, DiscountPercentage, QuantityTransaction - SelectFunction
- Status changed from Developing to QA Test
- Assignee changed from Tri Rizqiaty to Maulina Hali
- Status changed from QA Test to Closed
- Assignee changed from Maulina Hali to Tri Rizqiaty
Dear Mbak Yommaa,
Thank u yaaa, sudah sesuaiiii.
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