Feature #1235
ESS Mutation
Dear Developer,
Mohon dibantu auto generate saat mengisi field Employee ID untuk beberapa field sesuai gambar (kotak merah).
Employee Name - PHRPA0001 (FullName)
Employee Type - PHRPA0002 (EmployeeType)
Employee Sub Type - PHRPA0002 (EmployeeSubType)
Employee Status - PHRPA0002 (EmployeeStatus)
Position - PHRPA0002 (Position)
Organization Unit - PHRPA0002 (Organization)
Grade - PHRPA0003 (PayrollGrade)
Hiring Date - PHRPA0015 (HiringDate)
Terima kasih.
Updated by M Azid Wahyudi almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to QA Test
- Assignee changed from M Azid Wahyudi to Fiona Avangeline Jonathan
dear fiona ,, untuk issue ini udah bisa di test ya