Feature #2116 » ViewExportSPTBulan.js
1 |
Ext.define('MinovaES.view.masterdata.ViewExportSPTBulan', { |
2 |
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel', |
3 |
alias: 'widget.masterdata-ViewExportSPTBulan', |
4 |
requires: [ |
5 |
'MinovaES.controller.masterdata.CtrlExportSPTBulan', |
6 |
7 |
controller: 'CtrlExportSPTBulan', |
8 |
renderTo: 'exportSPT', |
9 |
anchor: '100%', |
10 |
name: 'exportSPT', |
11 |
initComponent: function () { |
12 |
var me = this; |
13 |
Ext.applyIf(me, { |
14 |
items: [{ |
15 |
xtype: 'form', |
16 |
bodyPadding: 10, |
17 |
collapsible: true, |
18 |
name: 'exportSPT', |
19 |
title: 'SPT Tahunan', |
20 |
buttons: [{ |
21 |
xtype: 'button', |
22 |
text: 'Search', |
23 |
action: 'Search', |
24 |
name: 'Search', |
25 |
iconCls: 'fa-search', |
26 |
style: 'font-family: FontAwesome', |
27 |
28 |
items: [{ |
29 |
xtype: 'minovaform', |
30 |
bodyBorder: false, |
31 |
border: false, |
32 |
isLookup: false, |
33 |
name: "exportSPT", |
34 |
height: 180, |
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36 |
37 |
}, { |
38 |
xtype: 'minovagrid1', |
39 |
title: 'Result', |
40 |
collapsible: true, |
41 |
storename: 'storesptahunan', |
42 |
height: 370, |
43 |
pagesize: 25, |
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45 |
name: 'gridexportspt', |
46 |
autoLoad: false, |
47 |
tbar: [ |
48 |
49 |
xtype: 'button', |
50 |
text: 'Export To CSV', |
51 |
name: 'ExportGridToCSV' |
52 |
53 |
54 |
xtype: 'button', |
55 |
text: 'Export To XLS', |
56 |
name: 'ExportGridToXLS' |
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64 |
me.callParent(arguments); |
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