


shofwan shiddiq's activity

From 10/25/2024 to 11/23/2024


02:49 PM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Feature #3196 (Closed): Report Final Appraisal)
shofwan shiddiq
02:23 PM BANK KALTENG 4.00 hours (Bug #3143 (Closed): Report Pindah Buku)
shofwan shiddiq


04:08 PM Bank Mega 1.00 hour (Feature #3001 (Assigned): new tampilan Report Ebupot 2024 Karyawan Resign)
shofwan shiddiq
03:49 PM Bank Mega 1.00 hour (Bug #3223 (QA Test): [HR-Payroll Report]perbaikan pada report ebupot final)
shofwan shiddiq
02:49 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #3204 (Closed): E Recruitment file namenya bisa auto ketika upload dokumen)
shofwan shiddiq
12:12 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #3205 (Closed): E recruitment penambahan nama pada applied job)
shofwan shiddiq
11:25 AM PERTALIFE 3.00 hours (Bug #3211 (Closed): E recruitment file data penambahan button download)
shofwan shiddiq


04:20 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #3208 (Closed): E recruitment My Profile)
shofwan shiddiq
03:39 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #3215 (Closed): E recruitment Vacancy List)
shofwan shiddiq
02:38 PM PERTALIFE 3.00 hours (Feature #3209 (Closed): E recruitment Button My profile)
shofwan shiddiq
10:11 AM PERTALIFE Bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #3219 (Closed): [HR-Dashboard]perbaikan pada hr reminder dimana ada data double di employee pada dashboard.)
shofwan shiddiq
10:06 AM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Feature #3196 (Closed): Report Final Appraisal)
shofwan shiddiq


03:21 PM BANK KALTENG 4.00 hours (Feature #3196 (Closed): Report Final Appraisal)
shofwan shiddiq
11:55 AM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Feature #3196 (Closed): Report Final Appraisal)
shofwan shiddiq
01:41 PM BBG Bugs 3.00 hours (Feature #3179 (Closed): [HR-medical]pembuatan query untuk men generate medical plafon secara massal)
shofwan shiddiq
01:32 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #3207 (Revise): Notifikasi e-mail untuk atasan (All Document))
shofwan shiddiq
11:15 AM BIA Bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #3180 (QA Test): [HR-PMS]report pms individu tidak keluar data nya.)
shofwan shiddiq


04:33 PM BBG Bugs 1.00 hour (Feature #3178 (QA Test): [HR-Time Data]pembuatan generate quota cuti massal secara otomatis)
shofwan shiddiq
02:52 PM BBG Bugs 1.00 hour (Feature #3178 (QA Test): [HR-Time Data]pembuatan generate quota cuti massal secara otomatis)
shofwan shiddiq


02:29 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #3147 (Closed): Notifikasi e-mail untuk Atasan)
shofwan shiddiq


10:42 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Feature #2681 (Closed): Pembuatan Report All Employee Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq


05:38 PM BBG Bugs 1.00 hour (Feature #3179 (Closed): [HR-medical]pembuatan query untuk men generate medical plafon secara massal)
shofwan shiddiq
05:27 PM KJL 2.00 hours (Feature #3147 (Closed): Notifikasi e-mail untuk Atasan)
shofwan shiddiq


05:26 PM KJL 5.00 hours (Feature #3147 (Closed): Notifikasi e-mail untuk Atasan)
shofwan shiddiq


11:41 AM Demo Preparation by Industry 1.00 hour (Bug #3045 (Closed): Dashboard Widget Logistic)
shofwan shiddiq
09:35 AM BBG Bugs 3.00 hours (Bug #3115 (Closed): [ESS-AttendanceMobile]Pembuatan validasi untuk tidak bisa mengabsen jika lokasi belum ketemu atau gps belum dinyalakan)
shofwan shiddiq


10:19 AM BANK KALTENG 2.00 hours (Bug #3143 (Closed): Report Pindah Buku)
shofwan shiddiq


05:33 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #3135 (Closed): Report Stock Traffic Finish Goods)
shofwan shiddiq
10:23 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #3135 (Closed): Report Stock Traffic Finish Goods)
shofwan shiddiq
05:31 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #3134 (Closed): Report Stock Traffic RMPM)
shofwan shiddiq
04:32 PM Demo Preparation by Industry 1.00 hour (Feature #3183 (Closed): Home Widget Food and Beverage Financial)
shofwan shiddiq
11:01 AM Demo Preparation by Industry 1.00 hour (Bug #3131 (Closed): Save Photo Retail Item Master Data)
shofwan shiddiq


05:31 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #3134 (Closed): Report Stock Traffic RMPM)
shofwan shiddiq
04:59 PM Bank Mega 1.00 hour (Bug #3184 (QA Test): [HR-Payroll Report]perbaikan pada report ebupot final dimana pada saat di deploy ke bank mega production di sana, itu tidak keluar data nya.)
shofwan shiddiq
04:42 PM Demo Preparation by Industry 1.00 hour (Feature #3173 (Closed): Report Insentif)
shofwan shiddiq


04:22 PM KJL 2.00 hours (Feature #3135 (Closed): Report Stock Traffic Finish Goods)
shofwan shiddiq
11:48 AM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Bug #3143 (Closed): Report Pindah Buku)
shofwan shiddiq


05:53 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #3174 (Closed): Ingin agar Stock Closing bisa otomatis Closing tiap bulan)
shofwan shiddiq
05:28 PM Bank Woori Saudara bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #3156 (Closed): [HR-Report Payroll]perbaikan pada report COA expense dimana jika payroll group tidak diisi, seharusnya menampikan data untuk payroll group BWS dan expatriate.)
shofwan shiddiq
05:17 PM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Bug #3143 (Closed): Report Pindah Buku)
shofwan shiddiq
11:51 AM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Bug #3143 (Closed): Report Pindah Buku)
shofwan shiddiq
02:09 PM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Bug #3146 (Closed): Kolom Penanda Tangan Report SPPD)
shofwan shiddiq
02:08 PM Demo Preparation by Industry 1.00 hour (Bug #3169 (Closed): Report Faktur)
shofwan shiddiq


12:49 AM Demo Preparation by Industry 2.00 hours (Bug #3169 (Closed): Report Faktur)
shofwan shiddiq


03:15 PM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Bug #3146 (Closed): Kolom Penanda Tangan Report SPPD)
shofwan shiddiq
03:10 PM BANK KALTENG 1.00 hour (Bug #3142 (Closed): Kolom Penanda Tangan Report PB)
shofwan shiddiq

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