


Tri Rizqiaty's activity

From 07/26/2024 to 08/24/2024


05:21 PM KJL Feature #2984 (QA Test): Menu Price Quotation Draft
Tri Rizqiaty
05:21 PM KJL Feature #2984 (Developing): Menu Price Quotation Draft
Fixing sesuai file terlampir Tri Rizqiaty
05:21 PM KJL Feature #2983 (QA Test): Menu Sales Inquiry Draft
Tri Rizqiaty
05:20 PM KJL Feature #2983 (Developing): Menu Sales Inquiry Draft
Fixing sesuai file terlampir Tri Rizqiaty
05:19 PM KJL Feature #2981 (QA Test): Perhitungan Tax
Tri Rizqiaty
05:19 PM KJL Feature #2981 (Developing): Perhitungan Tax
Fixing sesuai file terlampir Tri Rizqiaty
05:19 PM KJL Feature #2967 (QA Test): Validasi Production Order
Tri Rizqiaty
05:19 PM KJL Feature #2967 (Developing): Validasi Production Order
Tri Rizqiaty


01:57 PM KJL Bug #2711 (QA Test): Menu Action Function
Tri Rizqiaty
01:56 PM KJL Bug #2711 (Developing): Menu Action Function
Fixing sesuai gambar dibawah
Tri Rizqiaty


03:12 PM KJL Bug #2961 (QA Test): Item Ref dari SPK to Production
Tri Rizqiaty
03:11 PM KJL Bug #2756 (QA Test): Production Internal ID dan External ID
Tri Rizqiaty


03:10 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #2939 (QA Test): [HR-IMPORT TIME DATA] validasi Upload attendance dengan template
Tolong ditest, jangan lupa yg lama di back up Tri Rizqiaty
03:10 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #2939 (Developing): [HR-IMPORT TIME DATA] validasi Upload attendance dengan template
Fixing :
1. Update folder ExtensionLibraries dengan file terlampir
2. Update table base_sys_controller_registered...
Tri Rizqiaty


02:31 PM IMFI Bugs Bug #2939: [HR-IMPORT TIME DATA] validasi Upload attendance dengan template
Bintar, ini pakai menu yg mana ya?
Tri Rizqiaty


04:10 PM PERTALIFE Bug #2921 (QA Test): Create Ref di menu Logistic
Tri Rizqiaty
04:10 PM PERTALIFE Bug #2921 (Developing): Create Ref di menu Logistic
Fixing sesuai file terlampir Tri Rizqiaty
02:04 PM MinovaEasy Feature #2943 (QA Test): Setting Doc Type
Tri Rizqiaty
02:04 PM MinovaEasy Feature #2943 (Developing): Setting Doc Type
Fixing :
Update UI-scripts : MinovaXtype.js dengan file terlampir, sesuai gambar dibawah
Tri Rizqiaty
02:02 PM MinovaEasy Bug #2952 (QA Test): AR Document error saat ngecreate
Tri Rizqiaty
02:02 PM MinovaEasy Bug #2952 (Developing): AR Document error saat ngecreate
Fixing :
Update folder API2-bin dengan file terlampir
Tri Rizqiaty


03:23 PM KJL Feature #2611 (QA Test): Setting Production Order
Tolong ditest flow sampai stock ya, tp blm ada validasi apapun, nnti tolong dilist aja, terimakasih Tri Rizqiaty
03:21 PM KJL Feature #2611 (Developing): Setting Production Order
Tri Rizqiaty
03:20 PM KJL Bug #2756 (QA Test): Production Internal ID dan External ID
Tri Rizqiaty
03:19 PM KJL Bug #2756 (Developing): Production Internal ID dan External ID
Tri Rizqiaty
10:36 AM KJL Feature #2854 (QA Test): Status Purchase Requisition Setelah PO Approved
Fixing sesuai file terlampir.
Notes : document status tidak bisa dihilangkan, tp ditambahkan validasi agar tidak b...
Tri Rizqiaty


10:58 AM KJL Feature #2854 (QA Test): Status Purchase Requisition Setelah PO Approved
Tri Rizqiaty
10:58 AM KJL Feature #2854 (Developing): Status Purchase Requisition Setelah PO Approved
1. update folder API2-bin dengan dll terlampir
2. Execute SP
Tri Rizqiaty
09:36 AM Bank Mega Feature #2917 (QA Test): Formula Perhitungan Pajak Bulanan dan tahunan/ Pajak Final TER
Tri Rizqiaty
09:35 AM Bank Mega Feature #2917 (Developing): Formula Perhitungan Pajak Bulanan dan tahunan/ Pajak Final TER
Fixing sesuai file terlampir Tri Rizqiaty


05:23 PM KJL Bug #2911 (QA Test): Setting ref sales to do
Tri Rizqiaty
05:23 PM KJL Bug #2911 (Developing): Setting ref sales to do
fixing sesuai file terlampir Tri Rizqiaty
05:22 PM KJL Feature #2909 (QA Test): Update Permintaan Barang
Tri Rizqiaty
05:22 PM KJL Feature #2909 (Developing): Update Permintaan Barang
fixing sesuai file terlampir Tri Rizqiaty
05:21 PM KJL Feature #2908 (QA Test): Menu Purchase Requisition Draft
Tri Rizqiaty
05:21 PM KJL Feature #2908 (Developing): Menu Purchase Requisition Draft
Fixing sesuai file terlampir Tri Rizqiaty

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