



From 05/29/2024 to 06/27/2024


03:41 PM MinovaEasy 1.00 hour (Bug #2823 (Closed): Tampilan Inbox)
Tampilan Inbox M Azid Wahyudi
03:41 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #2835 (Closed): Perubahan Tampilan Form Surat Jalan)
shofwan shiddiq
03:07 PM TULISAN 1.00 hour (Feature #2785 (QA Test): Fitur Upload & Download COA, Wage Type Definition, dan Initial Balance)
Fitur Upload & Download COA, Wage Type Definition, dan Initial Balance M Azid Wahyudi
02:48 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #2834 (Closed): Penambahan Parameter Filter Material Type di Stock Monitoring Report)
shofwan shiddiq
02:27 PM BANK KALTENG Bugs 2.00 hours (Bug #2821 (QA Test): [ESS-LeaveMobile] informasi original quota tampil amount nya tidak sesuai)
[ESS-LeaveMobile] informasi original quota tampil amount nya tidak sesuai M Azid Wahyudi


05:10 PM KJL 3.00 hours (Feature #2833 (Closed): UPDATE XTYPE)
shofwan shiddiq
04:48 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #2820 (Closed): Field Posisi Stock di Purchase Requisition ingin otomatis)
shofwan shiddiq
03:12 PM PERTALIFE Bugs 1.00 hour (Feature #2829 (Closed): [ESS-MYPAYSLIP]payslip bisa terview padahal status payroll masih start payroll )
[ESS-MYPAYSLIP]payslip bisa terview padahal status payroll masih start payroll M Azid Wahyudi
02:53 PM KJL 3.00 hours (Bug #2815 (Closed): Fitur Search pada field Nama Barang)
shofwan shiddiq
11:00 AM MinovaEasy 1.00 hour (Bug #2830 (Closed): Report PPN Detail Keluaran dan PPN Detail Masukan)
shofwan shiddiq


05:40 PM MinovaEasy 2.00 hours (Feature #2777 (Closed): APK Form Overtime)
shofwan shiddiq
05:35 PM MinovaEasy 2.00 hours (Feature #2778 (QA Test): APK Form Attendance)
shofwan shiddiq
03:29 PM MinovaEasy 1.00 hour (Feature #2827 (Closed): Report Jurnal Voucher New )
shofwan shiddiq
03:21 PM BBG Bugs 3.00 hours (Bug #2809 (Closed): [BBG-LDAP Login]tidak bisa login pakai LDAP di Iphone)
shofwan shiddiq
03:16 PM KJL 4.00 hours (Bug #2819 (Closed): Tampilan Report Jika di Download Jadi Berantakan)
shofwan shiddiq


03:33 PM TULISAN 8.00 hours (Feature #2785 (QA Test): Fitur Upload & Download COA, Wage Type Definition, dan Initial Balance)
Fitur Upload & Download COA, Wage Type Definition, dan Initial Balance M Azid Wahyudi
11:51 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #2563 (Closed): Report Price Quotation)
shofwan shiddiq


05:50 PM KJL 2.00 hours (Feature #2817 (Closed): Autoload Sales Form Sample)
shofwan shiddiq
05:07 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Bug #2816 (Closed): Perbaikan Tampilan Lookup Create Ref)
shofwan shiddiq
03:01 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Bug #2759 (Closed): Lookup Nama Barang di Stock Closing)
shofwan shiddiq
02:37 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Bug #2775 (New): Field Person In Charge tidak mau autoload dari lookup)
shofwan shiddiq


03:37 PM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2814 (Closed): Export Report - Excel)
shofwan shiddiq


06:34 PM MinovaEasy 3.00 hours (Feature #2786 (Closed): Accounting: Dashboard Accounting)
shofwan shiddiq
04:16 PM BIA Bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #2797 (Closed): [HR-Payroll administration-Import data panen] menghilangkan tombol execute tm to payroll pada menu import data panen)
shofwan shiddiq
04:00 PM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2799 (Closed): [Time-Report] NP Honor Pengajar - Perubahan format)
shofwan shiddiq
03:44 PM MinovaEasy 3.00 hours (Feature #2801 (Closed): Mobile Web Responsive Page)
shofwan shiddiq
03:11 PM Bank Mega Syariah Existing 6.00 hours (Bug #2810 (Closed): [HR-ORM]upload nama posisi tetapi terjadi error)
[HR-ORM]upload nama posisi tetapi terjadi error M Azid Wahyudi
11:58 AM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Feature #2681 (Closed): Pembuatan Report All Employee Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq
11:46 AM MinovaEasy 5.00 hours (Feature #2805 (Closed): Tampilan Home Dashboard Employee)
shofwan shiddiq


03:45 PM PERTALIFE 3.00 hours (Feature #2679 (Closed): Pembuatan Attandance Report Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq
02:51 PM MinovaEasy 3.00 hours (Feature #2803 (Closed): Pembuatan Parameter untuk Approval (Attendance, Leave, Overtime))
Pembuatan Parameter untuk Approval (Attendance, Leave, Overtime) M Azid Wahyudi
02:16 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Feature #2662 (Closed): Tampilan Dashboard untuk menu Business Intelligent (PERTALIFE))
shofwan shiddiq


06:28 PM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2799 (Closed): [Time-Report] NP Honor Pengajar - Perubahan format)
shofwan shiddiq
06:04 PM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2800 (Closed): [Travel-report] Nota SPPD - Perubahan format )
shofwan shiddiq
04:24 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Feature #2679 (Closed): Pembuatan Attandance Report Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq
04:16 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Feature #2681 (Closed): Pembuatan Report All Employee Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq
02:05 PM PERTALIFE 2.00 hours (Feature #2662 (Closed): Tampilan Dashboard untuk menu Business Intelligent (PERTALIFE))
shofwan shiddiq


05:33 PM PERTALIFE 3.00 hours (Feature #2681 (Closed): Pembuatan Report All Employee Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq
03:56 PM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2796 (Closed): [Time Management] Validasi import data attedance )
[Time Management] Validasi import data attedance M Azid Wahyudi
02:38 PM BANK ACEH 3.00 hours (Bug #2796 (Closed): [Time Management] Validasi import data attedance )
[Time Management] Validasi import data attedance M Azid Wahyudi
02:11 PM BANK ACEH 2.00 hours (Bug #2798 (Closed): [Payroll-Report] Export SIPBAS Non Karyawan)
shofwan shiddiq
10:59 AM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2795 (Closed): [Time-Report] Timesheet - Menit keterlambatan & Header filter )
shofwan shiddiq
10:47 AM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2800 (Closed): [Travel-report] Nota SPPD - Perubahan format )
shofwan shiddiq


12:17 PM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2800 (Closed): [Travel-report] Nota SPPD - Perubahan format )
shofwan shiddiq
11:40 AM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2799 (Closed): [Time-Report] NP Honor Pengajar - Perubahan format)
shofwan shiddiq
11:31 AM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2795 (Closed): [Time-Report] Timesheet - Menit keterlambatan & Header filter )
shofwan shiddiq


04:05 PM MinovaEasy 1.00 hour (Bug #2789 (Closed): Perbaikan Tampilan Jurnal Recap)
shofwan shiddiq
03:46 PM BANK KALTENG Bugs 3.00 hours (Bug #2780 (Closed): [HR-Organization Chart]OM tertentu tidak dapat di view tetapi om tersebut ada OM lagi di bawahnya)
[HR-Organization Chart]OM tertentu tidak dapat di view tetapi om tersebut ada OM lagi di bawahnya M Azid Wahyudi
03:24 PM MinovaEasy 1.00 hour (Feature #2784 (Closed): Deploy All Report MinovaEasy)
shofwan shiddiq
02:14 PM KJL 2.00 hours (Bug #2776 (Closed): Maintenance Request: Save Successfull, tapi data Item tidak kesave)
Maintenance Request: Save Successfull, tapi data Item tidak kesave M Azid Wahyudi
12:44 PM KJL BUGS 2.00 hours (Bug #2787 (Closed): report absence recap dimana pada saat tampil di report , ada alpha 3 padahal si employee tersebut tidak ada alpha nya.)
shofwan shiddiq
11:28 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Bug #2790 (Closed): Report Inventory Recap dan Inventory Detail tidak muncul)
shofwan shiddiq
11:14 AM BBG Bugs 1.00 hour (Bug #2788 (Closed): [HR-time management]report attendance tidak keluar data nya)
shofwan shiddiq
10:49 AM PERTALIFE 2.00 hours (Feature #2791 (Closed): Background untuk E- recruitment Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq


04:51 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Feature #2677 (Closed): Pembaruan CV Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq
11:25 AM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Feature #2677 (Closed): Pembaruan CV Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq
10:37 AM PERTALIFE 2.00 hours (Feature #2677 (Closed): Pembaruan CV Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq
03:59 PM PERTALIFE 2.00 hours (Feature #2681 (Closed): Pembuatan Report All Employee Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq
02:17 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Feature #2679 (Closed): Pembuatan Attandance Report Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq


03:22 PM KJL 2.00 hours (Bug #2774 (Closed): Error Save Asset Code)
Error Save Asset Code M Azid Wahyudi


04:46 PM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2724 (Closed): [Travel-Report] Nota SPPD)
shofwan shiddiq
03:49 PM BANK ACEH 3.00 hours (Bug #2726 (Closed): [Time-Report] Timesheet)
shofwan shiddiq
03:05 PM BANK KALTENG Bugs 2.00 hours (Bug #2770 (Closed): [HR-ORGANIZATION CHART]pada saat view organisasi chart datanya muncul tetapi pada saat di download tidak ada respon)
[HR-ORGANIZATION CHART]pada saat view organisasi chart datanya muncul tetapi pada saat di download tidak ada respon M Azid Wahyudi


04:32 PM CLIENT SUPPORT 1.00 hour (Bug #2753 (Developing): Absensi Mobile Arita Tidak Masuk Location nya.)
Absensi Mobile Arita Tidak Masuk Location nya. M Azid Wahyudi
04:01 PM PERTALIFE 3.00 hours (Feature #2765 (Closed): Pembuatan feature untuk Upload File data di Erecruitment)
Pembuatan feature untuk Upload File data di Erecruitment M Azid Wahyudi
03:17 PM KJL BUGS 1.00 hour (Bug #2762 (Closed): [HR-Attendance Recap] employee memiliki working schedule lebih dari 1 tetapi tidak terbaca hasil nya di report)
shofwan shiddiq
03:02 PM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #2548 (Closed): Report Purchase Order)
shofwan shiddiq
10:06 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Bug #2771 (Closed): Perbaikan Report Sales Detail)
shofwan shiddiq


05:20 PM KJL 2.00 hours (Feature #2735 (Closed): Stock Adjustment)
shofwan shiddiq
11:34 AM KJL 8.00 hours (Feature #2735 (Closed): Stock Adjustment)
shofwan shiddiq
11:40 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #2749 (Closed): Stock Opname Report)
shofwan shiddiq
11:30 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Feature #2750 (Closed): Report Stock Adjustment)
shofwan shiddiq
11:18 AM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2724 (Closed): [Travel-Report] Nota SPPD)
shofwan shiddiq
11:10 AM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2726 (Closed): [Time-Report] Timesheet)
shofwan shiddiq
10:44 AM BANK ACEH 4.00 hours (Bug #2722 (Closed): [Payroll-Report] Export SIPBAS Cabang)
shofwan shiddiq
10:42 AM BANK ACEH 4.00 hours (Bug #2721 (Closed): [Payroll-Report] Export SIPBAS)
shofwan shiddiq


03:11 PM BANK ACEH 1.00 hour (Bug #2724 (Closed): [Travel-Report] Nota SPPD)
shofwan shiddiq
12:38 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Bug #2653 (Closed): Report Biaya Lembur Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq
12:19 PM PERTALIFE 1.00 hour (Feature #2681 (Closed): Pembuatan Report All Employee Pertalife)
shofwan shiddiq
11:59 AM PERTALIFE 2.00 hours (Feature #2662 (Closed): Tampilan Dashboard untuk menu Business Intelligent (PERTALIFE))
shofwan shiddiq
11:04 AM BANK ACEH 3.00 hours (Bug #2726 (Closed): [Time-Report] Timesheet)
shofwan shiddiq

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