jihad ....'s activity
From 02/20/2024 to 03/20/2024
- 09:39 AM KJL Feature #2611: Setting Production Order
- ada revisi mba filenya
- 09:33 AM KJL Feature #2611: Setting Production Order
- Mba Yoma, berikut aku lampirin file working script, use case scenario dan catatan yang dingin di setting untuk produ...
- 01:32 PM IMFI Bugs 4.00 hours (Project: IMFI Bugs)
- Support CS data payroll additional IMFI + Lembur
- 01:31 PM KJL 7.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Melakukan list table database yang digunakan di logistic
- 01:30 PM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat tab Inspection di Production Order
- 01:29 PM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Testing QA redmine lama yang belum di closed
- 01:28 PM KJL 4.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Testing report Sales Order, Price Quotation, Purchase Order, dan OSPO
- 01:28 PM KJL 4.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Menambahkan field di tab Resource
- 01:27 PM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat table WIP
- 01:27 PM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Melakukan setting lookupgrid Production
- 01:25 PM KJL 4.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Menambahkan field di tab Extruder, Flexible, Wrapping dan U-Shape pada menu QC Inspection
- 01:25 PM KJL 4.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Mengerjakan tab COA di QC Inspection
- 01:23 PM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat Menu Extrusion, Mixing, Flexing dan Wrapping
- 01:22 PM KJL 4.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Mengerjakan SPK (Production Plan)
- 01:21 PM KJL 4.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat report Price Quotation
- 01:20 PM MINOVA DEMO 2.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
- Support setting
- 01:20 PM MINOVA DEMO 3.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
- Membuat settingan tab pada level doctype
- 01:19 PM MINOVA DEMO 3.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
- Membuat settingan tab pada level doctype
- 11:54 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Project: KJL )
- Membuat task dari MOM 12 Februari 2024
- 11:53 AM KJL 6.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Mengubah settingan tab pada level doctype
- 11:53 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Project: KJL )
- Membuat tab COA di menu QC Inspection
- 11:52 AM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Mengerjakan perubahan report KJL
- 11:49 AM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Melakukan setting data RFQ, Vendor Quotation dan Asset
- 11:48 AM MINOVA DEMO 8.00 hours (Project: MINOVA DEMO)
- Membuat Menu Travel New di Travel Management ESS
- 11:47 AM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Melakukan UAT KJL Production
- 11:46 AM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat tab Purchase Realization di menu Purchase Order
- 11:45 AM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat tab Document Sample Approval Form
- 11:45 AM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat Menu Report berserta redmine-nya
- 11:44 AM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat Menu Report berserta redmine-nya
- 11:43 AM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat Menu Report Sales
- 11:42 AM KJL 8.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat Tab untuk menu dokumen QC Inspection
- 11:36 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Project: KJL )
- Membuat Menu QC Inspection di Production
- 11:34 AM KJL 3.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat tab U-Shape pada Production Order
- 11:33 AM KJL 3.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Menyesuaikan field header Production Order dengan FRD
- 11:28 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Project: KJL )
- Menambahkan field Weight Material di Detail Material Mater Data
- 11:28 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Project: KJL )
- Setting parameter Product Group di Material Master Data
- 11:15 AM KJL 2.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat tab QC Out Inspection pada Document Delivery Order
- 11:14 AM KJL 2.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat Tab Delivery Inspection pada Document Good Receipt
- 11:13 AM KJL 3.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Menyesuaikan field header Good Receipt dengan FRD
- 11:11 AM CLIENT SUPPORT 8.00 hours (Project: CLIENT SUPPORT)
- Bank Kalteng | Melanjutkan screening data table Education yang double di Employee Master Data
- 11:04 AM CLIENT SUPPORT 8.00 hours (Project: CLIENT SUPPORT)
- Bank Kalteng | Mengecek issue report Education
- 11:04 AM CLIENT SUPPORT 3.00 hours (Project: CLIENT SUPPORT)
- Bank Kalteng | Melakukan screening data table Education yang double di Employee Master Data
- 11:03 AM CLIENT SUPPORT 1.00 hour (Project: CLIENT SUPPORT)
- Bank Kalteng | Mengecek issue report Education
- 11:01 AM KJL 3.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Mengecek dan setting validasi field Sales Management
- 11:00 AM KJL 2.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Melanjutkan pembuatan QC Out Inspection pada Document Delivery Order
- 10:58 AM KJL 2.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat QC Out Inspection pada Document Delivery Order
- 10:56 AM KJL 4.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat Tab Delivery Inspection pada Document Delivery Order
- 10:56 AM KJL 2.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Menyesuaikan field Material Item Delivery Order dengan FRD
- 10:55 AM IMFI 1.00 hour (Project: IMFI)
- Testing Payroll Pajak 2024
- 10:49 AM CLIENT SUPPORT 1.00 hour (Project: CLIENT SUPPORT)
- CNAF | Testing Payroll Pajak 2024
- 10:46 AM KJL 6.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Menyesuaikan field header Delivery Order dengan FRD
- 10:44 AM KJL 1.00 hour (Project: KJL )
- Setting Ref dari Permintaan Barang ke Purchase Requisition
- 10:41 AM KJL 7.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat Menu Permintaan Barang (Purchasing)
- 10:41 AM KJL 4.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Membuat Tab Form Permintaan Sample
- 10:38 AM KJL 2.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Testing Stock Closing
- 10:37 AM KJL 2.00 hours (Project: KJL )
- Testing Ref Material Item Pruchase Order > Good Receipt
- 10:06 AM Minova ERP Internal Feature #2597 (Closed): REMOTE: DOCTYPE SETTING
- 10:06 AM MINOVA DEMO Feature #2596 (Closed): DEMO: DOCTYPE SETTING
- 10:04 AM KJL Bug #2334: Perbaikan filter Lookup Create Ref
- Pada lookup Create Ref hasil Searchnya belum sesuai dengan Document Status yang difilter.
Lalu juga ingin agar fie... - 09:50 AM KJL Feature #2337: Penambahan Summary Footer Total Item
- mas shofwan,
tolong tambahkan total item, karena untuk total item belum ada di footer pada semua menu Logistic yai... - 08:49 AM KJL Support #2339 (Closed): Relasi Harga dari Material Master Data ke menu Purchasing
- 08:44 AM KJL Bug #2338 (Closed): Bugs setelah mengeklik Document Referensi pada lookup Create Ref
- 08:40 AM KJL Bug #2332 (Closed): Create Ref Sales Management
- 05:25 PM KJL Feature #2548 (Closed): Report Purchase Order
- 02:27 PM KJL Bug #2365 (Closed): Problem Create Ref Goods Receipt
- 02:23 PM KJL Support #2347 (Closed): Field Unit of Measurement harusnya autoload
- sudah load
- 09:37 AM KJL Bug #2326 (Closed): Stock Info tidak bisa disave
- sudah bisa
- 09:36 AM KJL Feature #2320 (Closed): Membuat filter and search pada menu Material Master Data
- sudah ada
- 09:35 AM KJL Feature #2333 (Closed): Penambahan klasifikasi DocType untuk combobox Doc Status
- sudah sesuai
- 02:18 PM KJL Feature #2563 (Closed): Report Price Quotation
- terima kasih
- 10:06 AM KJL Feature #2611 (Closed): Setting Production Order
- Mba Yoma,
Ingin dilakukan Setting untuk Production Order, berikut aku lampirin Working Scriptnya
Menu: Logictic...
- 04:44 PM KJL Feature #2606 (Assigned): Production: Setting autoload pada Tab COA
- Mas Shofwan,
load yang diinginkan yaitu semua parameter juga tampil
- 01:47 PM KJL Feature #2548 (Assigned): Report Purchase Order
- ada beberapa yang belum mas, seperti:
* Attn yang ada di report datanya ambil dari Attn yang ada di document PO fi... - 01:30 PM KJL Feature #2548 (Closed): Report Purchase Order
- 10:21 AM KJL Feature #2606 (Closed): Production: Setting autoload pada Tab COA
- Mas Shofwan,
Pada production menu QC Inspection terdapat tab COA. untuk kolom parameter, unit dan standard ingin d... - 08:57 AM KJL Feature #2556 (Closed): Report OSPO Purchase
- 03:00 PM KJL Feature #2546 (Closed): Report Sales Order
- terima kasih mas
- 09:14 AM KJL Feature #2563 (Assigned): Report Price Quotation
- Mas Shofwan,
Ingin dibuatkan report Price Quotation, berikut keterangan dan designnya:
- Untuk isi datanya berasa...
- 10:43 AM KJL Feature #2594 (Closed): DOC TYPE SETTING
- sudah aman mba, terima kasih
- 09:43 AM Minova ERP Internal Feature #2597 (Closed): REMOTE: DOCTYPE SETTING
- Mba Yoma,
ingin disetting tampilan tab berdasarkan doctype, udah aku buat dan isi juga doctype di PCMBSTRANSLIST
... - 09:12 AM MINOVA DEMO Feature #2596 (Closed): DEMO: DOCTYPE SETTING
- Mba Yoma,
ingin disetting tampilan tab berdasarkan doctype, udah aku buat dan isi juga doctype di PCMBSTRANSLIST
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